Search results

  1. J

    I can't believe I did this again...

    Say hello to my little friend... I can't believe I actually bought one of these, after I vowed to never do it again. LMAO!!!
  2. J

    Best acrylic scrapper???

    Help!!! Magfloat just is not cutting it. Magic eraser is great for weekly maintenance, but coralline is killing me. I am looking for something, besides a samurai sword and hydrochloric acid to get the coralline algae off my ACRYLIC tank. Any and all advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in...
  3. J


    New addition #1 from Reefwise: Platygyra (open brain coral). Forgive the crappy cell phone pic, it does not do it justice.
  4. J

    Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!!!

    Thanks Brian!!!
  5. J

    Say hello to my little friend.

    Just picked this little guy today from Petco, in Shorewood.
  6. J

    Lawnmower blenny

    Considering getting a lawnmower blenny to attempt to assist with minor algae issues. Anyone have experience with said fish? Please give me the good, the bad, and the ugly. Thanks in advance, Jim
  7. J

    Mushroom id, please?

    Can someone please tell me what I have here? I apologize for the poor quality. Thanks.
  8. J

    Clown hosting hammer coral!!!

    Very excited, one of my clowns started hosting my hammer coral tonight!!!
  9. J

    My wife= ROCKSTAR

    So, I was doing my weekly maintainance and was at the kitchen sink cleaning out my return pump and return tube, when all of a sudden my wife screams!!! :ahhhhh: She just happened to be looking at the tank when the my firefish Wildisme decided to go carpet surfing. :thumpdown: Without missing...
  10. J

    Wish me luck...

    One of my clownfish has some kind of internal parasite. :-( Telltale signs of white-stringy feces, not eating, swimming listlessly in the back of the tank. Just ph matched and am temp matching a bowl RO to hopefully help the little guy out. As the title says, wish me luck...
  11. J

    Chemi-Pure Elite and Purigen or Chemi-Pure Blue alone?

    The title pretty much says it all. It is time to switch out my Chemi-Pure Elite (also running Purigen) and I was thinking about just running Chemi-Pure Blue, alone. Anyone have experience in switching? Thoughts? Thanks, Jim
  12. J

    Oceanic BioCube 29 Fish Saver Guard

    I have an in Tank Oceanic Biocube 29 Fish Guard for sale or trade. When I made a new acrylic light cover, it pretty much closed the gap in the back of the tank, so I no longer need it. Any Oceanic Biocube 29 owners want it, $15 or a coral to trade and it is yours. I live in North Plainfield. Jim
  13. J

    Neon Green Leather

    Wicked new green leather from Wildisme. It really pops in the tank!
  14. J

    Biocube month 2

    Two months in. Much thanks to Top Water Wildisme trackfast Everything is really starting to come together.
  15. J

    New fish

    Thanks to Wildisme for the new firefish. I know it is not too sexy or exotic, but it's a 29 Biocube, people. :eviltongue:
  16. J

    Happy Labor Day!!!

    HAPPY LABOR DAY!!! To anyone who would erroneously state that unions are unnecessary or archaic, let me remind you of the many things that you benefit from, because union members have fought for and still do fight for them. Whether you are in a union or not, most of you are fortunate enough to...
  17. J

    Amazing New Corals

    Just a couple of the amazing corals that I picked up from Top Water today!!! As always, thanks, John. Your prices are always reasonable and the quality of your livestock is without compare. Top Water Kickass Mushroom Electric Green Monti Steve Tyree Red Dragon Sorry for the crappy...
  18. J

    2,000 Dead Seahorses! Just bloody awful!!! :tsk:
  19. J

    Aquarium Adventure Anniversary Sale

    The sale started today and goes for a little more than a week. Livestock 40% off :woohoo: However, inverts are still ridiculously overpriced, even with the 40% off. Food, including frozen 50% off $12.50 for Rod's :yippee:
  20. J

    Starfish identification

    I think that this starfish is reef safe. When I had my 75 a few years back, I had a ton of them in there and they never bothered anything. However, I am throwing it out to the community to PLEASE correct me if I am wrong.