Search results

  1. J

    Yellow rose goby and pistol shrimp

    They finally found each other!!! :whoo:
  2. J

    Rob's Aquatics

    So, two years ago when I was getting out, I brought a big fat, but sick blue hippo, a yellow tang, and 3 yellowtail damsels to Rob on consignment. After I was completely out, I didn't even bother to call him about the fish, and lost my slip. This morning, I called him and explained the whole...
  3. J

    Grape watermelon chalice

    Just wanted to share my new grape watermelon chalice that I picked up from trackfast today. It really pops in my tank, although my crappy cell phone pic does not do it justice. Thanks, Victor!!!
  4. J


    Was at Dollar Tree this morning and came across this gem. Individual sized fragging tubes, five for you guessed it, $1.00. My caps always seem to permanently bond to the tube after I use them once, so I thought these were pretty cool. Just wanted to share. And yes, it is cyanoacrylate. Jim
  5. J

    Day 1 of the Biocube's new life.

    Very happy, tank is finally cycled, lights are working properly, water parameters are good. Corals are in and immediately started opening up. On my way to Superfish to pick up some clowns. A good day, indeed. Sorry for the ultra purple, crappy cell phone pic.
  6. J

    Homemade new acrylic cover for Oceanic Biocube 29.

    Well, in case you were not aware, you CANNOT get replacement light covers for any Oceanic Biocube, since they re-branded them Coralife they no longer make them and the Coralife's covers do not fit Oceanics. That put me in a little bit of a quandary, because the cover I have looks like it was in...
  7. J

    ISO Nassarius snails

    Anyone know anyplace in the Southern suburbs, besides AA, where I can get nassarius snails? Aquarium Adventure wants $3.99 each, they must be smoking cyano to come up with that price. :analprobe: Thanks.
  8. J

    Tank temperature question???

    I am sure this has been asked a hundred times on this forum, so please excuse me for asking for the one hundred first time. What do you all keep your tanks temperature at?
  9. J

    Cycling question

    I have been out of the game for awhile, so I need some advice, please. My 29 gallon Biocube, with 50lbs of live sand and 7 lbs of seed live rock has been cycling since last Thursday for 1 week today. On Monday, I had Ammonia between .25-.5. I tested today and Ammonia, Nitrites, and Nitrates are...
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    Hydor customer service

    The following is a conversation I had with Hydor: Me: Good morning, A few years ago when I was in the hobby, you provided me with amazing customer service. I had issues with my Koralia impeller magnets warping and my covers cracking and you replaced them. Well, I couldn't stay away and am...
  11. J

    Lights on or lights off???

    Cycling a tank, lights on or lights off? Thanks, Jim
  12. J

    Water changes during cycling?

    Okay, I am starting up again. I have a Biocube 29, with 40-60 lbs of live sand, 25+ lbs of dry MarcoRock, and probably 10-15 lbs of live rock that I will obtain to help seed the tank. During cycling, would you do any water changes? Looking for any and all points of view on the matter...
  13. J

    Foster and Smith Free Shipping

    Good morning all, Free shipping today, no minimum at Drs. Foster and Smith: SHIPIT23 Happy shopping!!! Jim
  14. J

    Best salt for SPS support

    Okay, I am diving back in after a 2 year hiatus. I used to love Reef Crystals, cheap, but effective. I am looking for recommendations for what everyone thinks the best salt would be to support SPS growth and health? May the best salt win!!! Thanks, Jim
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    Death of the Great Barrier Reef

    Interesting albeit depressing read on the current state of the Great Barrier Reef.:violin:
  16. J

    New Biocube

    Well, after a short hiatus, I am happy to be back. This is my new gently used Biocube that I purchased from Beardown, today. Thanks, Adam. I am very excited to be back and look forward to actually getting SPS to grow this time. Jim
  17. J

    Lighting a Biocube

    I have been out of the reef game for the past two years, but as most of you know, it is truly a sickness, and I can't wait to dive back in. :woohoo: For a couple of years, I had a 75 gallon LPS dominated tank with T5 lighting up and running. I sold the tank and just about everything else tank...
  18. J

    Gilbert clear out your messages, your inbox is full.

    Gilbert clear out your messages, your inbox is full. I am trying to message you. Jim
  19. J

    Happy Labor Day

    Happy Labor Day (the holiday created by unions), To anyone who would erroneously state that unions are unnecessary or archaic, let me remind you of the many things that you benefit from, because union members have fought for and still do fight for them. Whether you are in a union or not, most...