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  1. J

    Bittersweet day

    Well, today I did my final water change on the old 75. :sorrow: I am out of salt and filter pads and have no intention of prolonging this. I haven't been around here for very long, but I really appreciate this site, the advice, and how many of you have helped me end this journey, by buying...
  2. J

    It's been a fun ride.

    Then... Today...
  3. J

    Flooded basement

    Guess which dumbass's RODI flooded his basement, today??? :tit: This guy!!! :ciao: Someone please buy my rock, so I can close this chapter of my life. :rant: :frusty: :suicide2:
  4. J

    ID help, please

    Can someone please tell me what type of chalice this is and its possible value? Thanks, Jim
  5. J

    ID and per polyp cost help, please?

    I need a little help, please. Can someone give me the name and per polyp price for these? I saw something very similar at Reefwise for $10 per polyp. Thanks in advance. Jim
  6. J

    What's your biggest noob mistake?

    I am sure someone has made a thread like this before, so I apologize if I am stealing anybody's thunder, but I thought it might be amusing if we all shared out most monumental, colossal noob mistake. :noidea: In addition to my cramming of nuclear green palys into numerous cracks and crevices to...
  7. J


    What is the going rate from frogspawn? I have a large 12-20 head one that someone wants me to break-up and sell them a large piece of it, but not the whole thing. What is a fair price per head? Thanks, Jim
  8. J

    Yellow tang lifespan

    I picked up an adult yellow tang from a JARC member a few years ago and he has been healthy as a seahorse :tongue (2): ever since. I am guessing that he is anywhere from 3-5 years old. Two days ago, he stopped eating and has been behaving erratically ever since. He seems to be in a fish death...
  9. J

    Affixing coral to live rock

    Aside from cyanoacrylate, what is the best method for affixing sps to live rock, inside of the tank? Any advice would be appreciated. I have had terrible luck with sps, in the past, probably because I would just find a hole in the live rock to cram it into, without securing it properly. My...
  10. J

    Hello from Plainfield

    Hi, my name is Jim, I live in North Plainfield. I have a 75 gallon reef tank that has been up for about three and a half years. Fish: Blue Hippo, that is way too big for the tank and I wish I could catch without breaking down the tank to get him out; yellow tang; three evil bastard yellowtail...