Search results

  1. MMreef

    My new Potter's wrasse :)

    I've been looking for a healthy one for a while, stumbled upon this one by chance. Two weeks in LFS, eating like crazy. Got it home and swims happily with other fish and eating right away. :) [/url]potters wrasse by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
  2. MMreef

    Fish and coral paradise
  3. MMreef

    warning to buyers !

    I am attaching this link to warn potential buyers, this person/business in operating on our forum too. Just look at the different names, you will find him in proper section. I am sending this link to Josh too, if he feels it is not appropriate to post it here, feel free to remove...
  4. MMreef

    where to buy filter socks

    Anybody knows a good place to buy filter socks in bulk for good price? I am looking to get about 20, not looking to pay single, retail price. Thanks in advance. Ok, group buy for 50 felt socks 100 or 200 micron, 4x8, so far we have 40 total, looking for 10 more. as soon as we have 50, I will...
  5. MMreef

    It is sunny here, bring your sunglasses !!!

    [/url]yellow sun by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url]sun corals2 by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url]sun corals by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url]sun coral2 by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url]sun coral1 by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url]sun and dendro by mark_mikina, on...
  6. MMreef

    Meet my fish

    [/url]bartlett anthia by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url]wyoming white female by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url]wrasse by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url]sunset anthia by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url]sunburst anthia2 by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url]royal gramma by...
  7. MMreef

    MMreef's mostly NPS tank

    Few pictures from my tank. It houses mostly NPS corals. Pictures taken at night with flash: [/url]chili coral by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url]dendros1 by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url]sun coral by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url]black sun coral 2 by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]...
  8. MMreef

    Few pictures from my new adventure :) - crossing to the dark side- my NPS corals

    Hi everybody, I guess you can't keep an reef addict down for too long :). To spark my interest back, I decided to try something different from my previous tank, I ventured into dark world of NPS corals. To be honest, right now I am trying my luck with easier corals like sun corals, dendros , few...
  9. MMreef

    Something hiding behind a rock....

    Can you guess what it is??? [/url]fpg by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
  10. MMreef

    Happy coral :)

    Just random picture of my happy dendros and sun coral [/url]dendros1 by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url]dendros2 by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url]sun coral by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
  11. MMreef

    For those who need help aquascaping

    I found those interesting articles regarding aquascaping , anybody who can't do anything except typical " rock wall" should read this. Very helpful, enjoy :) part 1 part 2...
  12. MMreef

    One of the best cubes I've seen -LPS dominated

    I found this video browsing other forums, normally LPS don't appeal to me, but this tank is awesome. From the aquascape, to different coral placement and selection of fish, this is truly inspiring. Anyway I just wanted to share this tank , enjoy :)
  13. MMreef

    Hawaiian Yellow Anthia

    Beautiful Anthia, but little heavy on wallet.
  14. MMreef

    ATI Sirius vs Radion-- for those considering leds.

    Found this cool video comparing those two lights, not much info on new ATI sirius led yet, I figured it might help. First video is in German, but it is very easy to follow and see the difference between Radion and ATI. Enjoy...
  15. MMreef

    Must see video- Singapore S.E.A public aquarium
  16. MMreef

    LF wrasses

    Hi , looking for two wrasses, the red headed wrasse ( Halichoeres rubricephalus ) and radiant wrasse ( Halichoeres iridis ), lmk if anybody has one . Thanks.
  17. MMreef

    Top 5 SPS corals - looking for opinion

    If you only could put 5 SPS corals in your tank what would it be? Give me list of 5 of your favorites ( no Reef Raft please )
  18. MMreef

    Insane reef tank and aquascape, must see!!!
  19. MMreef

    Where to find black egg crate locally?

    Just like title says, where I can find black egg crate ?
  20. MMreef

    vanderbilt chromis

    Hi Brian, it is Mark ( mmreef). Last time I was in your store I mentioned I might be looking for Vanderbilt's Chromis. Could you check with your supplier and see if you can get me 15 of those and for what price? Thanks a lot. Mark.