I got my Wantanabei Angels for about month now and they were doing great. I noticed few days ago bumps on females body, now turning into kind of raw sores. I have no idea what it is. Anybody has an idea and can help. Here are couple of pictures ,you can see two spots on the female body
My new Watanabei Angel - pair
Just want to share those beauties I got from Reefwise. They are swimming and eating well in their new home. Thank you again Reefwise.
I found this on different forum,project that was done over couple of years with input of other members that ever kept Angelfish. If you wondering which one is reef safe or not, look here.
I found this on other forum, I figure its worth sharing. Anybody doing this here, any opinion or input?
Anybody has an experience with this powerhead? I have two Tunzes and I am thinking of ordering this one to add to my tank. Looks like cheaper version but wonder about durability and service.
I have few mini maxi anemones in my tank . I will be redoing few things and would like to remove them from the rock they are on. What's the best way to remove them without harming them? Thanks for any suggestions.
I found this video of German stores on other forum. Unbelievable,look at those big corals for sale,not tiny frags. On same tanks you can see prices, like $40-$50 for a big coral. Anyway enjoy.
Hi,I will be redoing few things in my tank the week between Christmas and New Year and I need to borrow a couple 55 gal. or maybe someone has a big 100 gal. rubbermaid tub. I would need it only for couple of days the most. If anybody has one and willing to borrow it I really appreciate. I will...
Hi guys,I got couple of corals today and I don't really know what they are. Second one I think is a Lepto,first I have no idea, but I like the look and growth pattern.
With all those sales going on Thanksgiving and Black Friday, what did you get for your tank? Show off your new livestock and equipment and how much you saved. I got two Tunze 6105 controllable powerheads to replace my Vortech MP40's for $286 each ( regular $347), new Bleeding Apple Scoly, Yellow...
This Friday on HGTV at 12 noon.
Anybody watched them last night? They look good. It usually takes them 3 games to get rolling ( observation from last few seasons). What you guys think ? Can I say deep playoff run, Superbowl maybe ? :first:
My job takes me to Milwaukee WI. few times a month. Every time I am there, I try to find time to stop by this great store. The owner and staff is great, friendly and very knowledgeable. And his prices are sooo unbelievable low compared to Chicago stores ( not mentioning the tax ). Great...