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  1. Kamreefer

    Seahorse birth Wonder how many will make it?
  2. Kamreefer

    Is this enough light for my fuge ?

    I have a fosters led light bar over my fuge do you think its enough
  3. Kamreefer

    Growth of monti in 1 weeks

    So i moved my mont directly under my coral compulsion 120 p and in a week it got decent growth
  4. Kamreefer

    aqua c remora in sump refugium

    so i set upp my refugium do you think my aqua c remora will work or is it pointless down there?
  5. Kamreefer

    Finally ! Sump refugium set up

    So after the bad luk n frustration i got refugium setup! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  6. Kamreefer

    Crazy tank

    Awesome tank Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  7. Kamreefer

    Seriously?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  8. Kamreefer

    Coral reef pet center norridge

    Stopped in cool old school store very organized and good selection plenty of stock Prices were ok but not bad Had nice size maroons for 30 A huge percula same price Huge coral selection I was pretty happy with my visit
  9. Kamreefer


    Saw this and had to post Day 43: i have gained their trust . They still do not realize i am acantharus.
  10. Kamreefer

    Headache #2

    So now that i been doing some work on this sump now I've run in to another headache ! :/ The sump came with a whole for an external pump but i am using a mag 5. So i went to 2 different stores Home Depot and menards and i can not find any PVC to cover up this freekin whole !!! And just when I...
  11. Kamreefer

    Help me turn this into a refugium!

    Hi I piked up this oceanic 75 sump off Craigslist i want to see if i can turn this into a refugium?? And here's the kicker it was plumbed for a external pump but i would rather have it in sump i also plan on putting my aquaclear remora on it by extending the hosing and having the skimmer hang...
  12. Kamreefer

    For tired of bare bottom

    So i got tired of bare bottom and just added aragonite i jus feel it looks better i also read a study where its noted that The white sand highers par value
  13. Kamreefer

    Coral compulsion hanging over 40b

    So i took the plunge and got the cc120p and i have it hung over the tank but idk about the coverage higher it? Thx for the help
  14. Kamreefer

    Reef safe algae eating fish for 40g?

    Hi any suggestions on a fish that eats algae in a mixed reef for my 40g reef?
  15. Kamreefer

    Another option to frag mags?

    Will these works as alternative to frag mags saw these online
  16. Kamreefer

    Update on my 40g reef 1yr old

    So its been up for a year and wow has it matured! This is a year ago Current
  17. Kamreefer

    Where to find sink adapter for r/o unit?

    So i got a great 5 stage filter from aquapros so now only problem is i live in an apartment so i have to get a sink adapter to run the unit? I gruel ace, menards and Home Depot- HD was the worst customer service btw) anyone have any ideas
  18. Kamreefer

    Thinking about selling reef tank...:(

    Im thinking about selling my 40breeder reef i just can't keep up with the cost and the constant need for ro water.. It's going to stink but i needd to pay the bills too
  19. Kamreefer

    What kind of clam is this????

  20. Kamreefer

    Look at this guy doing as he pleases

    I was looking at my tank when I came across this Lol