Search results

  1. brettz16

    Auto Feed w/ VC?

    I recently just started dosing Vitamin C and soon so split it with Vinegar too, to get more of a range of carbon. I can tell that i am going to get lazy with this but i plan to dose the given amounts of VC (1x morning 1x night) and Vinegar (1X midday) Would you guys think a Automatic feeder in...
  2. brettz16

    GFO or Biopellets??

    So i acquired two TLF 550 reactors thanks to mlreef. I currently have nitrates at 25ppm and phosphates are unknown. I have a API test kit but most of you know how much they suck for Po4. I have algae and cynao on the SB but not horrible. i was dosing vinegar but stopped due to not seeing any...
  3. brettz16

    keeping SB clean

    So my tank is now 5 months old and I'm still having a slight issue with keeping the sand bed clean. There is a "slimy" layer on top that i can basically peel away. Its a little red/green, but i don't think is cynoa since its thicker and stays together. Every now and then il stir up the SB only...
  4. brettz16

    Acropora vs. Montipora

    When i transferred from my 65 to my 75, I had a monti that encrusted over several rocks. Needless to say, i couldn't aquascape exactly the same as my 65 so those 3-4 rocks with small encrustings are now large encrustings on different areas of the reef and have began to get close to other corals...
  5. brettz16

    Anyone order from HC

    Who here has ordered from Happy Coral. For $60 free shipping, their colonies are badly priced and they seem pretty nice. Did it arrive in good shape? Was your order how it looked on the website?
  6. brettz16

    For next rimless

    Absolutely getting these for my next rimless. How have i just heard of these after being out for 2 years.
  7. brettz16

    what the heck?!

    Someone please tell me whats going on with this chalice? Was super healthy about 2 weeks ago. then i moved it literally 3" right still in the same water movement/par/lighting/etc and since then, seems to have sucked to its skeleton. I moved it back and is still like this. 1.026 Amm. 0 nitrate...
  8. brettz16

    Looking for moorish idol

    I know reefwise gets them in all the time. Anyone who got one from reefwise, reef imports, is yours doing? where do you recommend i go? is yours eating and how long have you had it?
  9. brettz16

    No ATO? no Problem

    For those of you who simply cannot use a auto top off or have a direct RO line to your sump, Here is a simple and cheap solution. My floor layout makes it impossible to run a direct RO line from my unit to the sump. There is also no water supply anywhere near the tank so having a unit inside...
  10. brettz16

    SPS colonies?

    Where is the best place to get Sps colonies, such as acro, monti, stag, etc. I live streamwood and wouldn't mind driving to aqua pros, reefwise, or sho tank. Where a have you guys bought your colonies and how is the pricing wherever you got them? Any of you willing to sell a colony? pm me
  11. brettz16

    Salifert ALK check solution??

    For those of you who have/had used salifert alk testing, what the heck is the check solution for? The directions are a little grey with this. Let me know if I'm right/wrong with this guess. The check solution is marked 6.7dkh. i tested the solution and it turned out to be 8dkh. That means it...
  12. brettz16

    Camera settings?? newbie

    I will be borrowing a Canon EOS 20D today and thought i would take some photos of my tank while i have it. What are some good settings to use before i start capturing?
  13. brettz16

    You gotta see this!

    This guys plays it pretty cool for getting snuck up on by a 13ft tiger shark
  14. brettz16

    Reef Chili

    I just ordered several things including a RO/DI unit, t5 bulbs and "reef chili" from BRS. I was watching the video on the chili and searched an article they mentioned. If you have the time, i highly suggest reading this article. It is very interesting and goes over the relationship between...
  15. brettz16

    Upflow algae scrubber?

    As some of you noticed, i am a little bored at work today. As a part of trying to reduce phosphates and nitrates I am viewing my options. Does anybody have experience with algae scubbers? I don't have much room for a waterfall type scrubber, but i just came across the upflow algae scrubber idea...
  16. brettz16

    Vodka Dosing??

    Thanks To Dre, I now have a par reading on my tank, as well as more accurate parameters. During these test, we notice my Phosphates and Nitrates were a little high. (PO .24, NO4 .50ppm) I never had a issue with Nitrates on previous tanks so i never really dosed or researched a solution. I cam...
  17. brettz16

    Fragging Birdsnest help.

    I recently had a little issue with low alk levels and slowly brought it back up. All of my other sps is recovering from the issue except my birdsnest Colony. Its polyps are extending much more, however it still seems to be loosing tissue from the base up. I stuck it out for about two weeks now...
  18. brettz16

    For those with Prestige-leds

    Its seems there are several of us now with prestige-led gamma fixtures. I wanted to know what % all your leds were at and how everything is doing in your tank? I am having some issues with my sps but doubt it from the light, but still want to be able to completely rule it out for the cause...
  19. brettz16

    General RO/DI question

    I have since been getting my RO from grocery and LFS's, but I'm am about to purchase a RO/DI unit today. First i want to know what you think of this unit Then, would this be acceptable for hook up: I have don't have a utilities sink...
  20. brettz16

    Could use some help Please!

    The Issue: Some of my sps (mostly montipora) has been turning white in random places. My Monti cap is turning white on the middle and around the edges. The other branching monti's have been turning white on the tips and bases. My Birdnest colony is turing white on the base and growing much...