Search results

  1. beetlenut33

    Pictures from California trip

    I recently traveled to California for 10 days on my honeymoon. On our second half of the trip, we spent a lot of time hiking and visiting the great outdoors. Here a few photo highlights from my trip. Sausalito, CA Sea lions at Pier 39 in San Francisco, CA Marvel of engineering Ancient...
  2. beetlenut33

    Fairy Wrasse ID

    Hello CR crew & fairy wrasse experts out there, I purchased a fairy wrasse last week, but I am not sure exactly which fairy wrasse I have. Can anyone ID it for me? Thank you very much in advance.
  3. beetlenut33

    Reef Raft USA Live Sale 2/18

    There is a 3 hour live sale for Reef Raft USA on 2/18. Anyone going to participate?
  4. beetlenut33

    Blak algae near zoas

    Hey guys, This recently popped up a few weeks ago and has not gone away. If you look in the picture, there is a black algae growing to the left of the yellow zoas and also near the orange zoas. Has anyone seen this before? How do I get rid of it? Looks really bad and I don't want it to over...
  5. beetlenut33

    Negligent care in Fish Store

    Hello fellow reefers, This week I visited a fish store which has been on the decline since it recently opened. When it first opened the store was taking very good care of their fish and offering some great deals. My last few visits have been the complete opposite experience. Currently, the...
  6. beetlenut33

    Existing fish and new tank, should I QT?

    Hello everyone, I am currently cycling a new tank and will start adding fish to it soon. In the past, I have never quarantined fish and have paid the price battling disease. This time around, I want to do it right and not have to deal with any disease. I can't afford to be careless and...
  7. beetlenut33

    Deep Blue EDGE 57 Rimless Mixed Reef Build

    Hello, Chicago Reefs! I am starting a new build thread to document the progress on my new build. This is my first build, ever, I have owned all in one nano tanks since 2007. I started building my stand with the help of fellow members of the CR community. I decided to build the stand out of...
  8. beetlenut33

    Advice for my Agressive Clownfish

    Hello everyone, I have had a pair of tank raised Onyx Clown fish (true percula) for seven years. They have grown to become a typical mated pair. For the last three years, I have had them in a 16 gallon nano tank. Over the years, they have become very territorial of their tank and refuse to allow...