Search results

  1. ninjamyst

    Mandarin Feeding Station-Need help soon!! (12/22/19)

    you can get a pod hotel on ebay for like $10 and put it in your sump. worth a try? did you get those mandarins from Xzotic?
  2. ninjamyst

    Stingrays anyone? :)

  3. ninjamyst

    Whats everyone using as a CUC?

    hahah i read this as you named all your snails but forgot the name of one.
  4. ninjamyst

    What's one piece of equipment that changed things?

    had to google that. never knew "skimmate locker" existed. pretty cool.
  5. ninjamyst

    What's your favorite coral?

    I can hook you up with sunset monti. Had mine for years and it is encrusting so much that I often have to kill the edge to keep it from spreading. I just need to find a way to cut off a chucnk off the rock. Will you let know when I do. My fav coral is ricordea. Easy to care for, doesn't...
  6. ninjamyst

    Are you leaving the Hobby or considering it?

    Invested too much to leave the hobby but did put a spending freeze. No more corals or fish for awhile. No more going to LFS. Only necessary supplies and equipments if things break.
  7. ninjamyst

    Green film algae

    I went on vacation a couple of weeks ago. Came back to tank covered in green film algae, on the rocks, sand, and glass. I scrape the glass and stir the sand, and next day it's all back. I can easily use a turkey baster to blow them off frag rack, back glass, and rocks. Any treatment...
  8. ninjamyst

    Are we just selling stuff?

    I am struggling to keep my interest in the hobby too...sigh. Anyone got tips on BTAs? I got a couple for my nano and they are not happy...been months. The nano been running for years now and I got a Nanobox light over it.
  9. ninjamyst


    how was the crowd and quality of livestock? couldn't go this year or last....
  10. ninjamyst

    Share your slowest growing coral.

    you posted the same photo twice.... =P
  11. ninjamyst

    JC Red Sea Reefer 350

    New video of the tank. This time, we going underwater with new GoPro Hero 7 Black. Don't judge me for getting 3 pyramid butterflies =P.
  12. ninjamyst

    WaterBox Vs Red Sea

    By the way, I remember reading a thread on R2R about a slightly annoying visual issue with the waterbox glass and the stand on r2r. Something about light reflection...I can't find the thread now though.
  13. ninjamyst

    WaterBox Vs Red Sea

    I love my red sea 350 and looking to upgrade to the 750 down the line. Waterbox got really popular lately but branding is king and the Red Sea is just a more well known, stable, reliable brand. If Waterbox is significantly cheaper, sure. I just don't see how they can compete at a similar...
  14. ninjamyst

    White tubes on frag?

    i was gonna say your fingers look bloody red than realize it's a glove =P.
  15. ninjamyst

    Website Upgrades!

    Ahh ok. So New Posts are no longer on the home page like before? I have to go to What's New --> New Posts instead now. I guess that's ok. But I feel it's better to have New Posts as the Home Page to drive more activities from members. I been checking Home Page only to see new posts and I...
  16. ninjamyst

    Website Upgrades!

    Is there something wrong with the latest threads on the home page? I always use that to show me new updates to threads. But right now, I don't think it is working right. I see someone created a new post in General Forum but that post doesn't show up on Home Page under latest threads....
  17. ninjamyst

    Garf bonsai keeps spreading. How to stop it??

    My garf bonsai keeps spreading and slowly killing my other corals, including other acros. Any way to keep it from spreading??? I didn't know it's going to behave like a encrusting monti! It's not going vertical, just spread and spread.