Search results

  1. superchargedgp

    educate me on CALK through ATO

    educate me on KALK through ATO I'm thinking about dossing kalk through ATO instead of your typical 2 part. is there build up of calcium like I have experienced with BRS 2 part? how do I mix it, and how much?
  2. superchargedgp

    Well i might get out of the hobby :( tank crash

    Recently we bought a house and i moved my 60 gallon cube. Everything went well. Last week we during the storm we had a power outage for 2 days. Well the tank crashed and i lost 90 percent of corals. Fish survived. This is so depressing. My heart tells me to replace the lost corals. But my...
  3. superchargedgp

    Tank move help/questions.

    so we are moving into a new house by the end of this month. should I use dry sand or live sand when I transfer the 60 over to the new house. the current sand is 1.5 years old, so I don't want to use it and have a cycle from the die off. could any one who moved a tank across town chime in?
  4. superchargedgp

    fluval or Reef crystals salt

    right now im using IO reef crystals, when I first set up my tank I used fluval salt.. I liked the way it instantly dissolved and didn't leave any residue. Does anyone here use fluval? or should I just keep on using IO?
  5. superchargedgp

    drilling the tank

    okji have 60 cube rimless with cornver overflow. it had durso setup, that I am tired of messing with. the tank cant be moved, its fully stocked. I would like to run a herbie setup. did anyone drill a tank from the inside of overflow? the idea is to keep the livestock inside the tank and...
  6. superchargedgp

    Bedroom 12 gallon nano cube

    I set up this tank for Noob1. I wanted another tank and I gave her the full control over it including stocking and maintenance. 12 gallon jbj nano cube Reef keeper lite 150w heater Mp 10 for flow Gfo and carbon in media bags 2 premium snowflake clowns The idea is to make it all zoa tank...
  7. superchargedgp

    Alk swing caused by ph?

    For he longest time I had a glass top on my cube. I had alk stable with 2 part automated dosing. Last week I took the top off and put on the mesh top. With that change my alk went up over a point and I noticed my digi bleaching/ dying. With the greater gas exchange the ph went up I believe...
  8. superchargedgp

    lets see you "tank view" shots

    from the couch
  9. superchargedgp

    Nano tank suggestions

    I'm going to set up a tank up to 10 gallons for a pair of clowns in the bedroom. What is the best deal all in one tank?
  10. superchargedgp

    Jebao dosing pump help

    I had my dosing pump set up to dose 24 times a day every half an hour. Calcium during the day, alkalinity at night. I still get precipitation in my sump ( where I dose into). My heater is white, my pump is whitish, and I have white residue on the sump walls. I dose 2 ml of each (every dose)...
  11. superchargedgp

    In sump skimmer recommendations

    Right now I have eshopps 75 skimmer. I can't seem to get that dark nasty crap out of it. What is your recommendation for a bad ass skimmer Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. superchargedgp

    Shout-out to WildBill

    Thanks man for hooking me up with all that awesome frags! everything opened up within 10 min of being put in the tank.
  13. superchargedgp

    who can build me equipment cabinet?

    im looking for someone who can build me a cabinet to house all my electrical, 2 part and top off containers but it has to be relatively small 16d x 18w x 30h and in black with door
  14. superchargedgp

    What is it?

    I won this guy in Michigan. Is it Duncan?
  15. superchargedgp

    Hand warmers

    Where can I find them tonight lol Home Depot and menards by my house are out. I'm leaving for Michigan frag swap tomorrow and hoping to bring home some frags
  16. superchargedgp

    Calling out all CLOWNFISH experts

    i have onyx and true perc. few days ago i put in little yellow eye cole in my tank. onxy leaves him alone (hes a male) perc (female) beats the **** out of him. his tail is ripped and hes hiding all day. so this morning i (flash bang) the tank. (6am light on full blast) and cought the perc...
  17. superchargedgp

    milky/cloudy water

    is been like that for few days now. I put mp10 on and changed the filter sock for a brand new one and thats when it happened. I thought it was mp10 but i turned it off for a whole night and no change in water clarity parameters are as follow PH 8.0 Ammonia 0 ppm Nitrite 0 ppm Nitrate 20 ppm...
  18. superchargedgp

    eshopps psk 75 skimmer

    does anyone have instructions for it? or can tell me how deep it should be in the sump? thanks
  19. superchargedgp

    My cr reading buddy

    Hunter, 10 weeks old
  20. superchargedgp

    60 gallon marineland reef ready cube build

    So myself and Laura (noob1) decided that we need a bigger tank ( we currently have overstocked 28 gallon nano cube). So we picked up a new tank from William lutman On with the pictures. Forgive me for the heater that's not submersible ( that one is still in the nanocube) still have to clean...