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  1. superchargedgp

    Does any local store have dr Tim's Ammonium Chloride Solution

    I need it for my fish less cycle Thanks
  2. superchargedgp

    Aquascape in our 60 cube

    I don't know if ill stay Bare bottom or add sand
  3. superchargedgp

    sump setup

    you guys must hate me by now i need help with setting up a sump i have a basic idea, but i newer put one together i heed it to be safe , meaning no bubbles to the DT , no overflow, no possibilty of syphoning DT due to power outage all this is goign to be set up with 60 gallon reef ready cube...
  4. superchargedgp

    Moving the tank

    alright right now we have a fully stocked nano 28g that is in one place the new 60 gallon cube will be set up in a different place ( different building) how do i transfer it all. I dont want to go through the tank cycle again. should i reuse the sand? or get new one? what about the water...
  5. superchargedgp


    I'm looking for led that will be good for 60 gallon cube. 24x24x24 Not looking to spend and arm and a leg but something that will be able to replace my 150w hqi. Any ideas and suggestions? Thanks
  6. superchargedgp

    Pulsing Xenia, the biggest NOOB mistake we made

    Now it's everywhere. How do I kill it.??Tried to rip it off. It only comes back with a vengeance. Taking the rock is out of the question. I'm out of ideas.
  7. superchargedgp

    chiller took a dump

    ok we have JBJ mini chiller that looks like it took a dump. it wont chill anymore. the JBJ 28 gallon nano cube with metal halide. the cheapest chiller i found was 380 bucks. now if i retrofit the hood to led's can it drop the water temp to the level where the chiller is not needed? or does...
  8. superchargedgp

    i moved my mushroom rock and this was on it

    its weird good or bad? (click on the video below)
  9. superchargedgp

    Attempted to go to aqua pros today

    Couldn't find the place. Tried 3 times, turned around and went home. What a waste of time....
  10. superchargedgp

    which test kit would you recommend?

    we are using API now, but i didnt read too many good reviews about it
  11. superchargedgp

    anyone is going to Michigan Coral Expo and Swap (MCES) January 27, 2013 ?

    The Michigan Coral Expo and Swap (MCES) is the largest reef hobby event in Michigan! MCES is again co-hosted by Mid-Michigan Marine Club (MMMC) and Grand Rapids Marine Aquarium Society (GRMAS). This year MCES will be on Sunday, January 27, 2013. Attendance last year exceeded 650 hobbyists from...
  12. superchargedgp

    Home Depot epoxy

    Which one should I buy to glue my aqua scape with Thanks
  13. superchargedgp

    Noob1's and my 28G nano cube

    we have it running for about a month or so, 90% of it is transferred from our old 35 gallon hex.
  14. superchargedgp

    Happy birthday noob1

  15. superchargedgp

    Id on zoas

  16. superchargedgp

    CPR Bak-Pak 2 Protein Skimmer media question

    can i put in a bag of chemipure and a bag of seachem denitrate in the chamber of the skimmer (where the blue stuff is)
  17. superchargedgp

    Phoenix 150W Metal Halide HQI 14,000k DE Bulb

    any local stores have it in stock? at a decent price?
  18. superchargedgp

    28g nano cube and circulation pump

    would it be too much water movement if i added circulation pump to my nano? right now it has a wavemaker hooked up to 2 pumps one on each side thanks
  19. superchargedgp

    can i add one more fish?

    28 gallon nano cube, right now we have yellow clown goby, false percula, black and white clown, and diamond watchman. will adding a small six line wrasse have a big effect on the bio load? thanks