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  1. tinman

    Where to source mil shipping bags locally

    As the title says Where can i find the mil bags to ship coral locally ?? Any one has any idea ? Sent from my iPhone
  2. tinman

    Rods fish eggs

    I want to try rods fish eggs Which lfs sells them ?? Also when I feed rods coral food there are small pearl kinda things .. Are they fish eggs ??
  3. tinman

    Tinned Nuvo 8 - Again :)

    i love nano tanks .. here is my winter (i am bored build) a nuvo 8 gallon
  4. tinman

    i did get rid of the algae problem but how

    picture below i had a severe algae problem on my sand bed .. flow is abundant and always thought its cyano but not sure .. i think its kinda sea weed. i tried everything i can think of .. added a second mp10, biopellets, changing light schedules, also pulled out the entire sand and cleaned...
  5. tinman

    Difference between Scoly and master scoly

    i have read it somewhere and kinda have an idea but i would let the guys who have more knowledge talk about them :) so whats the difference between scolys like bleeding apple, superman and master scolys ? just the colors ?
  6. tinman

    Who actually is able to keep ?

    Who actually is able to keep yellow sps corals ( like pink lemonade for example) yellow under LEDs ??
  7. tinman

    Cheaper wireless network providers

    So I am with AT&T for the last few years and upgraded to iPhone 6 day before yesterday. Today I got a message saying I will be loosing some of my discounts in order to compensate the subsidized iPhone price ($300 instead of full price of $750) and have to pay more per month ( I already think...
  8. tinman

    Good Reactor to run Biopellets

    I am thinking of running bio-pellets on my 50 cube and interested to know some of the good bio-pellet reactors .. right now im thinking of either a IM media reactor or one of the jebao dc pump ones .. what should i be looking at before getting one ? and also is there a difference between...
  9. tinman

    How much does your alk drop in a day

    Just wondering how much does alk drop for you guys Every ones system is different so intrested in knowing The system size, how much your alk drops if no dosing and how and what you are dosing to counter it To start with Mine is a 50 cube with 10 in the sump and alk drops by a point...
  10. tinman

    Wrasse stocking for a 50 cube with about 15 gallon sump

    i love wrasses but dont have much idea about them .. except for keeping a six line wrasse. the tank i am upgrading to gives me options to put some wrasses in there .. here are the details 50 Gallon Cube 15-16 gallon sump 180 gallon rated skimmer there will be sand but dont want the fish...
  11. tinman

    Tank transfer questions

    ok so i will be upgrading but want to use the same rock in the new tank also so will be adding pieces to it but most of the scape remains same. Below is the procedure im thinking of following and then questions .. only problem is the live rock in the current tank has flatworm problem which...
  12. tinman

    My Chalices

    My Chalice Collection sorry about the high ISO noise ... would do better next time 3G Mummy Eye Yum yum Pink boobs Chalice Grape Watermelon Chalice Miami Hurricane Now the rainbows Sexy Corals Flash Bomb Corn Bred Rainbow Crush Chalice Corn Bred Fuego Chalice CornBred...
  13. tinman

    Overloading the system ??

    My system is a 30 gallon and everything in there seems to be happy right now But I haven't changed water in a little over 2 weeks and top off ( using ato ) with fully saturated lime water .. My alk still dropped from almost 8.0 to 6.3 ( yea I didn't test in the last 2 weeks.. Does this...
  14. tinman

    Cadlights Elite skimmer - solution to Micro bubbles ?

    im super glad i waited .. seems like there is a new Design PLS 50 skimmer for Nano tanks and one of the major design enhancements is to take care of the micro bubbles. thought id share for ppl with nano tanks :)...
  15. tinman

    Now what is this ??

    Any ideas ?? Wasn't there yesterday, It's completely active and are fine ..
  16. tinman

    Reason for dull/faded colors in sps

    i did a google search on this topic and my head started spinning, so thought id ask here and see what you guys say. My system params first Alk - 7.5 ( trying to increase it to 8.5 slowly) Calc - 420 (trying to get to 460 Mag - 1260 Nitrates - 0.75 to 1 ppm phosphates - 0.03 so almost all...
  17. tinman

    Best sps food ?

    Right now I use rods and azox but I feel the food particles are too big for sps to grab. Is there a particular sps good I can try ?? Something that's like completely liquid and is good ?? Also how often should I be feeding sps ??
  18. tinman

    Does water change cause an alk swing ?

    So I tested my water for alk and cal before the water change Alk- 6.5 Cal - 380 So I tested my fresh mix saltwater Alk - 11.5 Cal - 420 And after the water change of about 25-30% my alk is raisin to 8.5 So isn't my water change causing an alk swing ?? Which is bad for sps ??
  19. tinman

    Finally, here is Wats up with vivid rainbows and SunnyDs.

    I am not sure if its ok to link and external forums thread. Please close the thread if we are not supposed to but thought this sheds light on many ppls questions about if vivid rainbows and sunny Ds are same...
  20. tinman

    How come ???

    Here are my params as of Monday My nitrate is 0.25 Phos is 0.02 Mag is 1440 Cal 420 Alk -8.5 around There is a thin layer of hair algae forming on the rocks and glass. Very thin layer, may be a millimeter thick And the flow is very good, my whites are on for 4 hours plus one hour of...