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  1. tinman

    Does better polyp extension on sps equal health ??

    So here is the question for sps masters, Does better polyp extension on sps corals mean better health and growth ??
  2. tinman

    Fav mode in Mp10

    well as the title says whats your fav mode in Mp10 and why ?? i always used to like NTM mode .. but recently changed it to lagoon mode and feel like my millies and the rainbow prostrata is even more hairy .. so just wondering whats yours and why
  3. tinman

    Kessil a360, how you like it

    Just thought Id get some input on how many guys on here live kessil as much as I do And how you are using it , like the controller, lighting schedules and if possible growth shots. Would you also prefer a full spectrum instead of the kessil you have right now or do you think you enjoy the...
  4. tinman

    what brand ph probe for reefkeepr

    i forgot what i had previously .. but do i have to go with the DA ph probe or can i get some other brand ? what will work with Reef keeper
  5. tinman

    Whats correct and whats not ?

    ok i have been using a refractometer and always used RO water to calibrate it .. used RO water even now and it shows at 1.0 sp gravity and now today i recieved the calibration fluid from amazon and it shows the sp gravity at 1.030. i also know calibration fluids do have a shelf life and...
  6. tinman

    can some one hold my Freshie fishes while on vacation ?

    as the title says .. im leaving on a vacation in december ... so i am thinking if anyone has a big enough tank to hold my 4 philippine blue angels and other ( 8 small fish like tetras and rasboras ) for like 3 months ? i am planning on dropping em off like next week or so let me know ..
  7. tinman

    getting rock ready ....

    ok so im planning on using some dead rock in the system in january, ( yea i know its still 3 months away) but ill be out of town in dec so the plan is to get it ready but end of november and then keep it live (i will add a feeder and ato or move it to a fellow reefers house) so i dumped all...
  8. tinman

    WTF is this ??

    As the title says, wtf is this thing growing in under my rocks in dark areas and how to get rid of it.
  9. tinman

    Maxspect Razors morphing coral colors

    I was using maxspect razors for the better part of the year over my tank and i have made some observations i would like to get the opinions of other users who use the same light. 1. Grows a lot of algae. 2. some of the corals morph their colors soo much, i dont mean browing out of corals or...
  10. tinman

    live rock question : what would happen

    so, i have some dry bleached rock and some live (assuming now dead) rock and some live rock. i intend to use it to setup a tank in january and ill be on vacation all december till mid jan, roughly 45 days. Victor, being soo nice offered to cycle that rock while im gone so it will be ready by...
  11. tinman

    Agaves and electric okmpaloompa placement

    Well, was just wondering what might be the best placement for these two plays Electric oompaloompa : my understanding is its vibrant colors it likes high light and medium flow Agaves : these are Hawaiian plays so I'm thinking they like medium light and medium flow Anyone who had them...
  12. tinman

    my new *****, Clown

    a wild caught percula (dont remember if its an oynx or not) bites my hand like crazy when ever its in the water and sometimes gets me to the OUCH stage ..
  13. tinman

    cant see/use thanks/like button

    i know there is a thanks/like button and i used it previously .. but i dont see it anymore .. not on my phone, not on my work laptop, not on my personal laptop or my wifes laptop.. seems something related to my account ?
  14. tinman

    New clown, not eating :(

    I got a clown fish yesterday ., a wild caught percula clown from old town aquarium. Their salinity level is low at around 1.018 and I slowly acclimated it The fish looks very healthy and is very active. But it's not showin any interest to eat ( it are like one pellet) I fed rods fish food...
  15. tinman

    Nikon D7100

    im about to place an order for a nikon d7100 ... i have a d3100 not so old and just thinking if the performance is worth the investment. any one owns D7100 and any drawbacks ?
  16. tinman

    is revive ok to dip chalices and dendros

    ok im breaking down my tank and re doing it cause of some issues known to many here question is ........... is it ok to dip chalices and dendros and suncorals in revive ??
  17. tinman

    Suggestions for a new led setup for Nuvo 16

    ok im in market for new led fixture for my nuvo 16 gallon considering the fact that im almost like starting new from scratch .. im thinking maxspect razors but looking to see if i missed considering any options .. So throw in your suggestions as to what fixture suits this tank nicely...
  18. tinman

    Found whats killing my fish ~ i think (Cirolanid Isopod)

    ok so as most of you know .. i lost all fish in my tank (2 clowns and a royal gramma) went fishless for 5 weeks .. after that i got three clowns (one jumped) and one died the same mysterious way like the fish before .. everything looks fine hte day before they eat fine and bam they are dead...
  19. tinman

    zoa pox ?? but for armor of god PALYS ??

    my armour of god palys didnt grow a single head since i got them like 3 months back (yes rest of the corals are growing fine) so i pulled them out to give them a dip in revive .. but observed what looked like zoa pox, but i thought zoa pox only affects and not palys :shrug: ?? armor of gods...
  20. tinman

    moving rockwork and corals to a little bigger tank

    so im gonna move my nuvo 8 gallon into a nuvo 16 gallon today .. Question is ... once i move everything i still would be adding like around 7 gallons of new water .. would this be ok to the corals if i make sure the salinity and temp are same for the new water ?? whats the best way to...