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  1. tinman

    Yellow headed jaw fish

    Ok here is the case. I got a jaw fish which managd to jump into the back chamber of my biocube and some how hurtled it's tail It just looked like a split tail and he is just doing fine or I thought so... But the next day that split in the tail looked like more splitted .. Also he isnt that...
  2. tinman

    In and out of rock work

    I somehow find it fascinating when fish swim around the rock work exploring all the tank But somehow I find my clowns swimming in the open all the time Is there any fish that would do this and is good for a 30 gallon ? Psshhh : I know I have been askin lot of rhetorical questions lately...
  3. tinman

    How big big is a royal gramma 3.5 inches for a biocube ...

    As the title says .. . if i were to get a 3.5 inches royal gramma for my biocube 29 .. would it be like too big ?? probably the biggest fish of all that im gonna get for my biocube ? also im counting like 7 fish total with this combo for my biocube 29 is that ok ?? 2 clowns one flame haw...
  4. tinman

    Lighting cycle

    Ok here is how the lighting cycle is setup n my biocube :) 10k 36watt pc light comes up at 8 in the morning and goes off at 3 in the after noon Blue actinic comes on at 5 in the evening and stays till 10 in the night Also my tank is right next to the west facing window do it gets direct...
  5. tinman

    Tap water vs Rodi water

    So here is the case I was told no tap water for reef aquariums..... I have a biocube 29 gallon which I initially filled with tap water. I am doing water changes with pre mixed saltwater from lfs at dollar a gallon It's a lot of work to make trips to lfs and carry water buckets on car into...
  6. tinman

    macro algae in display tank

    hi just curious, why shouldnt we have macro algae in main tank .. ?? is it just cause it grows too much and unsightly ??
  7. tinman

    ok few questions about clowns

    ok i am new to saltwater so bunch of dumb questions i guess ( eeek again :) ) 1. i got 2 occelaris clowns and they are hanging together all the time .. can i consider them as a pair ?? if not how would i know if they paired up ?? 2. i have a small white (lactose) anemone but they are not...
  8. tinman

    What goes in :)

    Ok I have a biocube 29 with multiple corals 2 occelaris clowns and 2 peppermint shrimp If I'm adding more fish .... What all are my options Understand that once I put in a fish into a reef tank lol it stays there So please advice me on all the types of fish suitable .. No hostile fish...
  9. tinman

    id on a few of them please :)

    i was told one of them was a aiptasia and i have lot of them but few look different from others can some one look at these pics to tell me whats in each pic .... 1 upload pictures 2. upload pictures 3. image hosting 4. [img=] image...