Search results

  1. icedearth15324

    Tropic Marin Pro Salt

    Hey everyone, Wanted to give people a heads up in case you don't follow BRS or R2R that often. Tropic Marin Pro Salt had a batch issue where some salt was produced in Turkey, and not Germany. The salt in question was not to their standards, and had issues with brown residue appearing after...
  2. icedearth15324

    Evo 13.5 - Mandarin Growout Tank

    Yes, I know what you are all thinking. A 13.5 is way too small of a tank for mandarins, which I am aware of. Well I'm going to be using this tank as a temporary grow-out tank for a pair of captive-bred @Biota_Marine Mandarins before they make their way into my 100g display tank. I want to make...
  3. icedearth15324

    How Long Have You Been in the Hobby?

    I happened to stumble upon some pictures of mine today of my first large saltwater tank 8 years ago, and it got me thinking. I then looked back and discovered my first saltwater tank was set up almost 9 years ago! Prior to that I had freshwater tanks for maybe 5 years. My tanks throughout the...
  4. icedearth15324

    Bulk Reef Supply Acquires Marine Depot What's everyone's thoughts on this?
  5. icedearth15324

    Judge Bans All Aquarium Fishing in Hawaii In case people haven't seen this yet. This is a pretty big one for fish.
  6. icedearth15324

    ChicagoReefs Holiday Party

    Hey everyone. We are looking at bringing back the ChicagoReefs Holiday Party. To make this the best party we can, we'd like to know when works best for most of you. The final date, time, and location are still in progress, but once I have an idea I'll be sure to let everyone know. So please...
  7. icedearth15324

    Local Fish Stores - Chicagoland (Updated July 2021)

    The old one got outdated, so I wanted to rebuild the thread. If I am missing anything, or if anything is wrong, please let me know and I will update it. Hours may change seasonally. Sorry for all the Facebook links, I used recent activity on their Facebooks to determine if a fish store was...
  8. icedearth15324

    Waterbox 100.3 - My Latest Addiction

    I'm going to be moving into an apartment with my girlfriend soon, and I decided it was time to upgrade along with the move. I didn't want to deal with custom plumbing, or anything like that, so I looked at the pre-configured options. Red Sea was an obvious one, but then I heard about Waterbox...
  9. icedearth15324

    WaterBox Vs Red Sea

    So I'm going to be moving into my girlfriend's apartment within the next few months, and I really don't want to risk dealing with my custom plumbing in an apartment. So I'm looking at getting either a Waterbox or a Red Sea. The pricing and features are pretty similar, so I was hoping some people...
  10. icedearth15324

    First Captive-Bred Purple Tangs - Bali Aquarich Mark down yet another fish successfully bred in captivity for the first time.
  11. icedearth15324

    Old Town Aquarium Moving

    Posted on their Facebook, "BIG NEWS! Old Town Aquarium is excited to announce that we are moving to a new location to serve you better, after 42 years we have some updates that need accomplished. As a result we will be starting an inventory reduction sale to make the move easier. Starting this...
  12. icedearth15324

    Bare-Bottom Vs Sand

    I've always had sand because of the more natural look. But I have always had issues with keeping my nutrients in control. I've been running a chaeto-reactor, and a BRS dual-reactor with carbon and GFO, and I have a skimmer. I'm not always the most habitual with waterchanges though. Generally my...
  13. icedearth15324

    Colder Than Antarctica in Chicago Tomorrow - How Are You Preparing Your Reef??

    With wind chills expected to be close to the negative 50s, they are saying it is supposed to be colder in Chicago than it will be at Mt. Everest, Siberia, and Antarctica. So what are all of you reefers doing to help make sure your tanks stay safe and warm in case of an emergency? Feel free to...
  14. icedearth15324

    Icedearth's 60 Cube

    Here's a new thread of my current 60G build. I've had this tank running for over a year and a half now. Currently concentrating on BTAs. Specs: -Lighting - AI Hydra 26 HD -Return - Jebao DC9000 running a Chaeto reactor and BRS Dual-reactor with carbon and GFO -Flow - Gyre XF130, Ecotech MP-10...
  15. icedearth15324

    Live Aquaria/Diver's Den Open House - Who is Interested?

    We would like to see who may be interested in going on a ChicagoReefs trip to the Live Aquaria/Diver's Den Open House up in Rhinelander, Wisconsin? For those of you that are unaware of what this is, here's a link to their website explaining it...
  16. icedearth15324

    Drs. Foster & Smith Facility, Rhinelander, Closing The good news is, the Live Aquaria facility is still going to remain open. So maybe we can get a group trip up there.
  17. icedearth15324

    Best DC Pump

    I feel like it is finally time to upgrade my return pump in my 60g cube. I've been running the same Danner Mag 9.5 for quite a few years, and I decided I want to upgrade to a DC pump for the quieter operation. Anyone have any recommendations on DC pumps based on cost vs performance, sound, heat...
  18. icedearth15324

    Beyond the Reef - What Happened?

    So I happened to make one of my bi-yearly trips to Beyond the Reef with my girlfriend, and I was really excited to show her the store since it was always one of the stores with a great selection and lots to look at. I walked in and first I noticed they remodeled, ok that's cool. It's nice to...
  19. icedearth15324

    The Tang Police Make Their First Arrests

    Just kidding, but I couldn't resist making the joke when I saw this article.
  20. icedearth15324

    Shedd Aquarium - Underwater Beauty - Opens May 25th

    Shedd Aquarium is going to be opening a new special exhibit that specifically revolves around ocean beauty, so colors, patterns, etc. Based on a behind-the-scenes video, they are supposed to have two large coral tanks, and a tank with giant clams. Could definitely be something interesting to...