Search results

  1. york3rdbase

    Shedd Aquarium Job Opening

    If any one is interested in being a professional aquarist…… Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. york3rdbase

    Cleaning Glass

    Hey all, How do you clean your glass on all sides of the tank? Do you let algae grow on the back? My tank is tucked in, so it’s not easy to clean the sides or back. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. york3rdbase

    Reef Cams

    What do you use for reef cams? Looking for something I can pick up from Amazon and gives me the option to watch previous footage. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. york3rdbase

    SPS Question

    Anyone have this issue with SPS where new growth shades old growth and then the old is just Skeleton?This is my only SPS so wondering if this is normal or should I move it elsewhere? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. york3rdbase

    BTA Help

    Hi All, I have two BTAs in my tank, one I have had over a 18 months, the other I picked up in October. They are on opposite ends of the tank, but similar conditions other than flow. The newer one is bleaching, and I’m not entirely sure why. Any thoughts? Whole tank, good nem on the right...
  6. york3rdbase

    Yellow Tang Death

    Can anyone enlighten me? I had a small yellow tang in my tank for a few months. I used to use Rods Fish Food, but recently purchased Reef Frenzy frozen food. For whatever reason, my yellow tang would eat and then go comatose after eating, not every time, but it happened a handful of times...
  7. york3rdbase

    Help with Clownfish

    Hi All, One of my clowns that I have had since February has stopped eating over the last week. It has been hosting in my anemones constantly, but avoids food during feeds. Other tankmates are fine (clown, coral Beauty, wrasse). It's my female clown. I tried target feeding, still nothing. Any...
  8. york3rdbase

    Football is back!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. york3rdbase

    Looking to borrow coral cutters

    Hi All, Had some heads on my torch coral die off, and I want to clip them off. Anyone have any bone cutters or something else I can borrow to do that? I'm near Wicker Park in the city, so the closer, the better. Thanks in advance Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. york3rdbase

    Smaller Reef Stock Lists

    For all of those with tanks less than 40 gallons, what fish do you have stocked? Looking for ideas for my 34 gallon deep blue (36x18x12)
  11. york3rdbase

    What is this???????
  12. york3rdbase

    Anyone ever order from ?

    Most of their corals have sale prices, and then they are running 50% off those sale prices. Just wondering if anyone has ordered from them before and had success with the corals?
  13. york3rdbase

    Green spots on plate coral?

    What are they? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. york3rdbase


    How do you prep your tank for going on vacation, besides having everything automated. I left for 5 days, and tank was gross when I got home. Algae everywhere, skimmer stopped skimming, fish pushed some frags around and covered up other corals, etc.
  15. york3rdbase

    Black Out?

    I see the discussion of black outs on a few threads to help out with some outbreaks. How long do you guys do the black out for and what are the consequences with the corals in your tank? I have some purple cyano (I think) on one of my rocks and notice that it lessens each morning after the...
  16. york3rdbase

    FS - DSLR Camera - Nikon D5100

    Lot of people posting how they wish they could take better pics of the their tanks, and I'd rather work with someone from here than CL. I have a Nikon D5100 with the 18-55mm lens as well as the 55-200 for sale. It's in great condition, I just never use it. Comes with backpack case and memory...
  17. york3rdbase

    Having trouble with some corals.....

    I have a few colonies of zoas that have been closed up for a few days now, and not sure why. I have tried moving them around to different locations, high up, on the sand bed, nothing seems to help? Any feedback would be helpful. Just tested with the Reef Master Test Kit Nitrates - 0...
  18. york3rdbase

    First Saltwater Tank

    Hi everyone, Just wanna say that this forum is great, and I wish I knew about it before I started my tank. Anyways, just started a tank at the beginning of August. I went small due to space, originally was thinking about the Mr. Aqua 12 gallon long, but didn't have the long space for it so I...