Search results

  1. Pawel

    Apex fusion time zone question.

    After the last update, I am getting different time zones on the app and the web browser. The time is off by one hour. Anytime I update on one device, the other changes to a different time zone. Is anyone getting the same problem?
  2. Pawel

    Does anyone know what is going on with reef creators? I ordered some coral plugs almost a month ago and they have not shipped it and they are not replying to emails.
  3. Pawel

    I'm in the giving mood :-) (part three)

    Heads up, next Sunday (September 24) I will post a question, first person who will get the answer right will be getting my 3D printed Baby Groot anemone holder for free. Keep checking that thread.
  4. Pawel


    FREE SNOW SHOVELING CLASS: This Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I will be holding a FREE snow shoveling class in front of my house. Come and join the class and learn about the proper ways to shovel. Reviewed techniques will include the scoop and throw method, the down and push method (AKA the...
  5. Pawel

    What PO4 and NO3 you dose?

    Can you guys tell me what Nitrate and Phosphate you dose. I have been using HEX PO4 and HEX NO3 from which is pretty good product in my opinion however his customer service suck. My package got damaged in transit and returned to him and he is not responding to my email. I need...
  6. Pawel

    I'm in the giving mood :-) (part two)

    This time I'm giving you heads up. On Saturday at noon I will post a reef-ish related question. The first person who will get that question right will get one free item of my "Blue Reef Aquarium 3D & Laser Prints" thread...
  7. Pawel

    Payments via Venmo, Cash App and Zelle are reported to IRS.

    Just so you are aware.
  8. Pawel

    I'm in the giving mood :-)

    I just fragged my Cotton Candy Torch. The first person who will guess how many heads came out of that colony will get a single head of Cotton Candy torch for free. Each morning I will gave a hint till we have a winner. RULES: You can answer only once a day. There is only one person who is...
  9. Pawel

    ReefWise LFS

    I visited Reefwise today to buy some fish for my frag tank. After the visit I have to share my experience. First when I walked into the store I notice that tank on the bottom picture. THIS TANK IS SICK! 500 gallons shallow reef tank with probably 200g sump. Owner is setting up this tank to be...
  10. Pawel

    Merry Christmas

    I just want to wish Merry Christmas to all Chicago land area reefers. I'm glad to be part of this community that is away from politics and crazy media. Merry Christmas y'all!
  11. Pawel

    Radions or Kessil

    Recently I purchased four foot frag tank and I'm debating whether I should go with two Radion XR15 G5 or two Kessil A360X. I would love your input if you had both light to compare them. Thanks.
  12. Pawel

    Green carpet anemone ate my clowns

    Anyone ever had carpet anemone eat pair of expensive clownfish? Mine did. Pair of Mocha Storm clownfish are gone.
  13. Pawel

    Apex WAV Dual Pumps - Neptune Systems

    Anyone ever used Apex pumps on a 4-foot tank? Would you recommend switching from gyres to Apex pumps?
  14. Pawel

    Do you know the name of that coral?

    Can anyone help me recognize that coral? The branches are blue and green with yellow polyps. Thanks
  15. Pawel


    OCTOBER 2018 MAY 12, 2019 MAY 20, 2019 OCTOBER 17, 2020 TWO YEARS OLD
  16. Pawel

    Magnesium question

    What brand of magnesium are you using for dosing?
  17. Pawel

    Banghai Cardinal has white bumps coming from under its gills

    My two Banghai Cardial has some withe bumps coming from under the gills. Do you guys know if its some disease? I had those fish in my tank for over a year with no problem.
  18. Pawel

    Neptune Apex - season settings

    Does anyone know where I can set up "season" on the new Neptune apex system? I can't find season settings anywhere. Some people on the blog say that the new Neptune system has no season settings.
  19. Pawel

    My instagram page

    Im new to instagram and I decided to make it all about my reef tank. Look me up and share your page. blue_reef_aquarium
  20. Pawel

    Aqua Illumination lights price dropped across the web

    AI just dropped prices on lights. AI Prime HD $167.99 and AI Hydra 26 are $293.16. Just FYI.