Search results

  1. brettz16

    4.8G Deskmate reef

    Hey everyone, Im finally getting back into reefing. I have had various tanks from nano cubes up to a 75g mixed reef. All of which were not as successful as i hoped for. Hoping to change that this time around. This tank has been set up for about a month. Im just getting through the ugly green...
  2. brettz16

    BTS at Shedd

    This weekend i got a chance to go behind the scenes at the Shedd Aquarium. I was with someone who work their, however i believe they offer a tour to the public for an extra fee. If you get a chance, i highly suggest doing it. I was able to hold jelly fish, feed 200lb catfish and see all the...
  3. brettz16

    THRIVE @ exotic aquatics

    Looks like Exotic Aquatics is getting the thrive water lab. i wonder if their going to do $1 per test
  4. brettz16

    Spirulina for Humans

    So, ive been feeding my fish a huge variety of foods, however i have been using Hikari Frozen Spirulina the most. Then, yesterday i bought a drink at the gas station. It was extremely good and said is was "healthy". When i looked at the ingredients, it contained 1300mg of spirulina a long with a...
  5. brettz16

    Sea Escapes S. Elgin

    Has anyone been here or heard anything about them? Reviews?
  6. brettz16

    LF: Fireworks!

    Hey guys, anybody know where i can get some last minute fireworks. im talking the big ones. I dont have time to go to WI.
  7. brettz16

    Brett's 30g rimless

    Brett's 30g pic update Well i just got started on my new build so i figured i can start a build thread. As most of you read, I am breaking down my 75 and temporarily going to a smaller tank. Once i get the appropriate funds and house, I will make my way back up to a 120 dd or something. Today...
  8. brettz16

    STN? or bad luck?

    Its been a while since i posted and unfortunely have to come back with this thread. I have had a couple sps die in the last couple weeks which i think might be from STN. The only thing i have changed since my set up was salt( i went from IO to Oceanic). It started about 4 months ago when i think...
  9. brettz16

    Monti HELP

    So i recently optioned this beautiful monitor and it was doing great until about a week ago when it started showing a brown spot near the base. I checked for parasites and worms but didn't see any. I could be a flow issue considering its "bowl" shaped and maybe theres not much getting down...
  10. brettz16

    Help vote for me!

    Hey guys/girls, I guess the t-shirt design fell through for now or is on hold. So for the CMAS logo contest, i submitted a bunch of designs including the one i submitted here. But because it not being used i thought it would be a great fit for CMAS. They chose 2 of my designs for the top 4. If...
  11. brettz16

    Fish Are Friends not food

    We get a bad rap here:
  12. brettz16

    RKL & Dosers?

    So i feel like a fish out of water. I have two brs dosers coming and need help programming them. I have the RKL with SL1 and PC4 with fan and heater on channels 2 & 3. How do i navigate to get to channels 1 & 4 for the multi timer(which is what im assuming i should use for the dosers) Ive been...
  13. brettz16

    RKL Hookups?

    I just ordered the RKL + SL1 and PH probe. Mostly because i wanted a better temperature monitor and ph monitor, plus its a good deal. I plan to use 2 of the 4 outlets with a fan and heater for temp control. what should i use the other ones for? I already have 2 mp10wes, programmable led, and...
  14. brettz16

    Before and After Carbon

    Just thought i would post some before and after picture. My tank is 6 months old however the rock, sand, water, and coral is a little over a year. Been carbon dosing for about 2 months. And switched to VC and Vinegar for about 2 weeks. 1/2tsp VC in morning 15ML Vinegar midday 15ml Vinegar...
  15. brettz16

    Share Previous Tanks

    Well i needed to take a break from work and decided to go through all my old picture on my computer. I came across all my old tanks which brought up some horrible and embarrassing memories. I think most of us can jump on the "What the hell were you thinking" boat, when it comes to out first...
  16. brettz16

    Removing Zoas?

    I have never fragged polyps and need some help. A while back i bought a nice blue/green monti cap that was attached to a small thin rock. About a week after i attachched it too my reef i saw that it came with two different types of very nice colored zoas on it (BONUS!). Well now theres about 20+...
  17. brettz16

    Auto Feed w/ VC?

    I recently just started dosing Vitamin C and soon so split it with Vinegar too, to get more of a range of carbon. I can tell that i am going to get lazy with this but i plan to dose the given amounts of VC (1x morning 1x night) and Vinegar (1X midday) Would you guys think a Automatic feeder in...
  18. brettz16

    GFO or Biopellets??

    So i acquired two TLF 550 reactors thanks to mlreef. I currently have nitrates at 25ppm and phosphates are unknown. I have a API test kit but most of you know how much they suck for Po4. I have algae and cynao on the SB but not horrible. i was dosing vinegar but stopped due to not seeing any...
  19. brettz16

    keeping SB clean

    So my tank is now 5 months old and I'm still having a slight issue with keeping the sand bed clean. There is a "slimy" layer on top that i can basically peel away. Its a little red/green, but i don't think is cynoa since its thicker and stays together. Every now and then il stir up the SB only...
  20. brettz16

    Acropora vs. Montipora

    When i transferred from my 65 to my 75, I had a monti that encrusted over several rocks. Needless to say, i couldn't aquascape exactly the same as my 65 so those 3-4 rocks with small encrustings are now large encrustings on different areas of the reef and have began to get close to other corals...