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  1. Monty06

    More Rock Nem Babies

    Well a few days after MJ's post my little sister saw my tank for the first time and pointed out the "cool little babies"......I had no idea what she was talking about, so I documented this for myself and thought I'd share and see how many survive. And yes my i-phone skills are sub par. My...
  2. Monty06

    Back In The Game

    After getting rid of my cube maybe two years ago I started getting the itch to get back into things a few months ago. So I picked up an IM 10 from Markemark. Equipment on the tank is as follows: -Media basket running floss, gfo, and chemi-pure -Ghost protein Skimmer -MP10QD -JBJ ATO W/ 5 gal...
  3. Monty06

    Moving Help

    I am sure most of you have done it at some point and have learned the hard way the do's and dont's of moving a reef tank. I have gotten a lot of good advise over the past year and want to pick your brains. Mine is not the largest aquarium out there (29 gal cube) so I'm not very worried on...
  4. Monty06

    DIY Sump Question

    Planing to build my own sump/refugium for a new 90 gallon and had a question about a sponge filter. If I incorporate a 2" wide sponge into a bubble trap (after the refugium and before the return pump) would that trap the pods I would be growing in the fuge from entering the DT or do you think...
  5. Monty06

    Melting Zoas

    So I have 3 frags of different zoas in my tank that have been literally melting off the plugs they are on. They still open during the day but slowly are falling apart and cant figure it out for the life of me. Water parameters are as follow: Cal - 390 Alk - 2.9 Mag- 1400 PH - 8.3 Phosph - .02...
  6. Monty06

    Stupid Apex

    Looks like my tank will be only on moonlighting tomorrow. Been screwing around with hooking my my rapid leds to my new apex with vdm module and cannot get it to work for the life of me. I am positive everything is getting power and is hooked up correctly, but yet nothing! Been going on 4 hrs...
  7. Monty06

    RIP Kryptonite candy canes

    One of my first corals I ever bought just took a crap, i bought two branches from reefwise. originally each branch had 3 mouths and over the past 8 months have multiplied to probably over 12 mouths each. No drastic changes in the tank all all. for the past 2 days they have not opened and today...
  8. Monty06

    DIY LED 12g Long

    Have any of you do it your selfers ever run into a heat sink that looks like this? This would be perfect for what I plan to do but cant seem to find it sold in the US! Any tips to put me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated
  9. Monty06

    New tank - 12 Gal Long

    So I am just now starting to build a cabinet to house my apex controller and other elctronics for my cube. I figured as long as I have this new cabinet why not throw another tank on it! I really like the look of the 12 gallon longs, so I am set on that. Since the cabinet itself will be stocked...
  10. Monty06

    How's the snow

    Hola from punta cana brothers! How is the snow back home? Hahaha Had to throw that in for ya guys ;)
  11. Monty06

    Someday! Largest private reef tank in North America

    One day this will be in my house
  12. Monty06

    Sell me on the Apex Jr

    Not too happy with the controller I purchased with my rapid led's. Pretty sure I'm going to get the apex jr to control the lights and safety device for in case of heater failure, that is unless u guys can talk me out of it. For those of you that have it, What are your thoughts on the apex...
  13. Monty06

    Another Biocube

    Well I think I got to the point where I cant cram anything else in there, got a few more zoas than I need thanks to Milhouse! Yes its another biocube, but you got to start somewhere. Let me know if you guys spot any obvious errors on my part. Im pretty much a noob to this. Only other thing...