Search results

  1. Fish_wiz2

    IM 25G Lagoon tank

    Sawdonkey is the man! Maybe I’m biased as I own his old tank and also went sps dominated. Everything that he said is spot on and I would take that advice. Although one of your questions was to start using the light and I’d say yes once you re-aquascape as you’re going to go through a minor...
  2. Fish_wiz2

    240 Gallon Build

    Go on...... I am a self proclaimed amateur/hobbyist photographer myself lol, I think after your advice, a cylinder and floating viewer is on the to buy list.
  3. Fish_wiz2

    240 Gallon Build

    What are you using for the top down shots?
  4. Fish_wiz2

    IM 25G Lagoon tank

    Looks great! I think you will be fine with the 25 as you’re equipped to keep parameters stable. This wasn’t a thing back in the day for small tanks and thus you will keep hearing old tales of “it can’t be done” but as time and tech goes on, more and more things are possible. I am on the lookout...
  5. Fish_wiz2

    Anyone interested in starting a local club/monthly get together?

    Lakeview you say? Let me know, would love to come by.
  6. Fish_wiz2

    240 Gallon Build

    Back to sand I see! Looks great brother!
  7. Fish_wiz2

    Apex fusion time zone question.

    Use the LAN IP address and then your local admin login of the apex.
  8. Fish_wiz2

    Apex fusion time zone question.

    Yep, I usually have to go into the GUI of the apex (not fusion) and check the time zone and then sync. Usually after update it defaults back to pacific time as HQ is based in California.
  9. Fish_wiz2

    Site Maintenance

    Will the site updates be compatible with the Tapatalk app? It’s been erroring out for me as of late.
  10. Fish_wiz2

    UNS 10g 45A tank build

    I'll swing .5 a day when my SPS are sucking it all up. So .5 a week is a walk in the park and in my opinion you should be fine.
  11. Fish_wiz2

    UNS 10g 45A tank build

    I'd personally skip AFR if your demand is that low, just be consistent on water changes. Also your levels are fine, I run the same and have some colonies of SPS that do well. More important is stability than chasing a certain number. Also, I'd only vacuum the back chamber of detritus, algae...
  12. Fish_wiz2

    UNS 10g 45A tank build

    Welcome! Great little tank you have there, I have the same exact tank but for freshwater, my only gripe is the overflow has no emergency so when the sponge is dirty it can really overflow. Are you city or burbs?
  13. Fish_wiz2

    240 Gallon Build

    Wait, did you go back to bare bottom? Judging by the last pic that's an attachment.
  14. Fish_wiz2

    Thinking of getting back in and needing to get caught up on what's new.

    Canar! It’s been a long time but i do remember your build, are you still local or moved away from IL completely? Times have really changed but that zero edge is still timeless, I think it would be awesome to setup even with big cons it comes with like crazy evaporation and a lot of work to...
  15. Fish_wiz2

    240 Gallon Build

    Lookin good sawdonkey! Let’s see some full tank shots!
  16. Fish_wiz2

    Pipefish anyone?

    I keep pipefish and used to keep seahorses too. I’ve had the worst luck with the banded pipefish, probably since I have no access to live mysis and a small tank. But my blue stripe have been almost bulletproof. If you decide against keeping yours, shoot me a PM.
  17. Fish_wiz2


    Went about a month ago. They're on the come back, new owners are trying but they can't fix overnight the destruction of years of neglect. Pretty good selection of fish and corals and reasonable prices.
  18. Fish_wiz2

    Nori shelf life

    I feed my fish the same nori I eat, no need to get for fish specific nori. And no fixed brands, I grab whatever catches my eye. You are right the selection is endless, so I'm constantly switching it up, fish probably like it too as they gobble it up. I do prefer unsalted and unfavored/colored...
  19. Fish_wiz2

    Nori shelf life

    As someone who consumes a lot of nori alongside my fish lol, I'd say toss it. It's cheap enough to get a new pack and it does get stale even if kept dry.
  20. Fish_wiz2

    240 Gallon Build

    Seeing this tank in person blows away any pics sawdonkey can post (no offense lol), congrats on the new tank and awaiting for updates!