Don't do a moonlight kit from Rapid, unless you intend to just have moonlights on your tank... *sigh*
A moonlight kit driver, at most, is supposed to run 4 leds at 350mA, so to run an LED that's meant for 1-1.5 mA, IMO is stupid. Would you really light a 10G tank with 4 LEDs running at 40% capacity? Don't expect any growth, lol
On a tank that size, you could definitely get away with one driver running 12-14 LEDs. Dimmable is always a plus so that you can dial it back to where the znps are happy.
If your intention is an aesthetically pleasing zoa garden, scratch the sponge filter idea. To get one to impact the tank enough, it'd take up LR space and be an eyesore. I'd rather recommend an AC filter, and some Kaldnes-like media, and you'd be much better off than a sponge filter...
I'm "gana" go to bed now, if I can fall asleep because I'll still be pondering how in God's green Earth a moonlight kit is "gana" be your solution...gluck with the cycle