1000 gallon saltwater fish tank ????


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Checking out a 1000 gallon set up this afternoon ,1000 gallon saltwater fish tank and stand every thing to make it work 9 feet long 4 feet tall 30 inches wide $6000 i'm not super keen on Acrylic but if I can work a deal I can live with cleaning with a credit card .. my concern is 48" tall gunna be hard to place rock,coral on the sand bed bottom but lots of real estate ….any thoughts ???
Happy Holidays
Too tall for me for such a small width, if I had to buy a tall tank, the width would either need to match the height or be larger.
Not ideal dimensions for a reef. The height would be a pita to light and work in. I’d only consider it a 1/4,of the price.
I'm assuming the width is 30" to be able to make it thru 32" doorways in most homes

This makes a ton of sense. At the same time, with the length, it’s still not going into my house either LOL. But if I’m investing that much time, manpower, and money into a tank of that caliber, it wouldn’t matter to me to take out a window or sliding door for a day to get it in as long as it’s the dimensions I like.
Lol, ain't this the truth. Do you like the 30 tall? These 210 should have the height and width swapped that would be perfect!

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I hate getting my armpit wet when reaching for the bottom, but love the bigger viewing pane. I think it’s worth it. A little deodorant in 210 gallons shouldn’t hurt much!