12 - 1w LEDs on 3 channels running on RGB controller


New member
I have always had a thought in my head of using a RGB controller with remote to control higher power LEDs, running 3 channels with ease. The purpose of this was mainly cost and dimming feature, these little controllers cost about $5 come with a 24key remote, 20x 1W LED cost about $7

So i managed to hook up 12 - 1W leds to this controller and it works amazing, better than I expected.

I have some experience with the whole diy led, but only using constant current drivers. This controller runs on 12v with max of 2a per channel, so with these LEDs hooked up i do read around 12.02 volts per channel of 4 leds.
the leds that i used. just hooked up all channels to the negative and positive to 3 channels. I need to figure out how to measure milliamps. Also have learned that this controller with only run 4 LEDs in 1 channel, beleive it has to do with the controller only being 12v, correct me if i am wrong trying to get knowledge on this as well. leds do light up if only 3 leds but are very bright and probably will burn the leds to fast, also will light up 5 leds but very very dim. this all is per channel.

you can also get a 44 key controller with remote, with more features and dim each channel individually. thinking this will be my next project. If all works well, this will be one kick *** mini led light for under $20 dimmable witch was the one reason i wanted to try this, oh and it comes with a cool remote lol.

Here is a video of the LEDs in action. Very hard to capture these LEDs on video, but are extremely bright. and disregard all of the other LEDs that i had on there. They are from the previous build i have on here.

Blue LED x8
- Power: 1W
- Voltage: DC 3.0V~3.2V
- Current: 300~350mA
- Brightness: 15~25LM
- Wavelength: 450~455nm

White LED x4
- Power: 1W
- Voltage: DC 3.0V~3.2V
- Current: 300~350mA
- Brightness: 80~90LM
- Color temperature: 6300~6700K

- Power: 72W
- Rate Voltage: DC 12V
- Maximum output current: 2A x 3
- Connecting mode: Common anode

So i have never heard of any 1w leds on a controller like this. So my question is, how is this controller working with 1w LEDs. will there be any problems running these LEDs in the long run? what should i worry about. I know that these are Common anode, but i do not have much knowledge on that matter all i know is that it works.

