125 reef tank transfer


Active member
I am going to be adding pics here as I progress. None yet but will take them soon. I finally have my 125 within levels for corals. Might do another 30-50 gallon water change this week. The LEDs I had ordered from China finally came in too. I have 2 currently over my 65 and 1 in the middle section of the 125 which will be the place where I will put coral frags to test out.

any suggestions and help as I plan my transfer to minimize any casualties would be great! :)

I made a frag of a bridsnest and put it in the 125 last night to see if it would be make it. This morning I woke up to good PE from it so that's a good sign so far. I am going to leave it in there for a couple more days to see how it goes. After that, I will try out a couple of lps and zoa frags.

I plan on putting everything form my 65 and holding it in a big tub with a powerhead, skimmer, heater and light temporarily. While they are in there, I am going to clean up the 65 and also start to jb water weld some rocks in the 125 to get a good rock scape. I will leave it like that for a day to let the skimmer settle down because I heard jb water weld makes your skimmer go crazy. Once that's done, I plan on adding all the corals in batches over a 2-3 period. I will keep the tub going for a few days after the transfer in case something goes wrong in the 125 so I have a temporary place to hold all the corals. This is all i have planned for now, I will update as this all progresses. this is going to be one hell of a mission.
Finally finished the transfer. I will try to get some pics of everything soon. I tried tonight but the colors just came out horrible from what I was seeing in person.
Here are a couple of pics. I will have to get some better pics tomorrow. Everything started opening up withing half an hr of transferring. Thank god it went good and nothing died doing all of this. I will have to keep an eye though and make sure all my levels stay in check until it all stabilizes. I had to turn the lights on to take these so everything is closed up.


My favorite part. Can't wait for this to fill out.
Thanks guys! Tank is standard 125, 6'.

The sps on center island are blue Milli, red planet, blue turaki, flaming blue efflo, purple bonsai, and a red tabling acro
Here are a couple of pics. I will have to get some better pics tomorrow. Everything started opening up withing half an hr of transferring. Thank god it went good and nothing died doing all of this. I will have to keep an eye though and make sure all my levels stay in check until it all stabilizes. I had to turn the lights on to take these so everything is closed up.


My favorite part. Can't wait for this to fill out.

What are the two sps behind the island? The neon green/teal acro and oranagish bird nest looking one? Would love a frag of those if your interested for cash or trade? i have a large derasa and I work in elgin and live in streamwood
Looks like I still need to do a few more water changes, UGH!

My parameters are:
Alk - 10.9 (salifert)
Cal - 450 (Salifert
Mag - 1425 (salifert)
Nitrates - 5-10 (Salifert)
Phosphates - ~.25 (Salifert)
Salinity - 1.029 (Refractomete) I like to keep my Salinity around 1.026-1.029
Update - showing new led fixtures under canopy. Been a little lazy to swap out the background for a black one but I will get to it soon lol
redid aquascape on the left side of the tank. I got rid of the middle island piece and moved it to the left side with the new aquascape to help support some rocks. Made the middle section of the tank a zoa island since some zoas don't like being placed high, I thought that would be a great place to put them. Yes, LEDs make it impossible to take pictures with proper colors.







