20" cup coral...


New member
hey guys. i have the opportunity to get this huge cup coral... its green and very large.. its round and 20"+ in diameter... how much can something like this cost... the owner bought it when it was small, but thinks it can sell for 200$ cause of the size,,, any ideas... i will try to post a picture. it looks cool. :) here are some pictures i found online to show the color of it. now picture a round one thats 20" across. :)


That is pretty big! I like the coral. I am not sure I would buy one so big.... It sounds like it has grown well for the guy. If you have similar conditions, I bet you could get a smaller one from someone like MCF and grow it out. To me, half the fun of having coral is watching it grow out.

Good luck which ever way you go!
I was thinking ... since is big.. it would take a lot of space. Maybe if I brake it down the middle and use it as shelf type one either side of the tank... ;) glue it to the glass? Am I doing a big mistake to cut it in half?
I think the whole cool look about it is the bowl shape. I've got one about 1/2 as large & folks always comment on it.
So keep it as a bowl... I will give that a try... if it ever gets way too big... perhaps trim the edges of like 4" around... and make some nice frags of it ...
Any idea what something like this will go on the market? I don't want to low ball him
.. and can't rally find a price on something this big.
At 20", I think it is well worth $200. It will be a very impressive piece! You could always offer him less & see...

How big is your tank? Do you have a nice spot picked out for it?

Mine oves to eat!
My tank is 150 gal. I will have to work on a nice spot for it. Will see what I can do. When I get it. I will post a picture ;)
What do u feed it... mysis? The owner of this tank doesn't feed any of the corals... the mh bulbs are 2the yrs old... and he tops if the tank. Water changes only every few months. But fish and corals look insanely happy.
I pay what I think something is worth to me. Same for what I charge. If it's a coral or fish I really want, I'll sometimes pay more then others might. If it's a coral I'd rather not frag, it isn't wroth fragging for less. It's all relative. I'm just bid $160 on a goldfish. I know it's a lot but I thought about it long & hard & it's worth it to me. then there's the shipping... but it's a one-of-a-kind fish that I've been waiting a long time for.

I feed all my corals with a mouth. that one has LOTS of mouths. I soak frozen mysis & blooodworms in Selcon & Vita-chem, add Cyclopeeze & a bunch of powdered foods to the slurry, turn off the flow for at least an hour & spot-feed them all with a turkey baster. I leave the skimmer off for the night.
I pay what I think something is worth to me. Same for what I charge. If it's a coral or fish I really want, I'll sometimes pay more then others might. If it's a coral I'd rather not frag, it isn't wroth fragging for less. It's all relative. I'm just bid $160 on a goldfish. I know it's a lot but I thought about it long & hard & it's worth it to me. then there's the shipping... but it's a one-of-a-kind fish that I've been waiting a long time for.

I feed all my corals with a mouth. that one has LOTS of mouths. I soak frozen mysis & blooodworms in Selcon & Vita-chem, add Cyclopeeze & a bunch of powdered foods to the slurry, turn off the flow for at least an hour & spot-feed them all with a turkey baster. I leave the skimmer off for the night.

wow.... better make that a priority.... feed everything that has a mouth... i can't imagine this how big this coral can get if i feed it... :) since the owner never feeds it.

i will try to get it monday. see how things go.
me too.... :) i have wanted to come see your tanks... just never had a reason. :) but feeding sounds like a good reason to me :) when can we hahaha
Just to clarify you never NEED to feed any photosynthetic corals/anemones for them to thrive. They do generally grow faster when spot fed though.