2020 Frag Swaps


Premium Sponsor
2020 events, this list will be updated throughout the year

-1/18 Madison, Wi-Mars
-1/18 Cincinnati, Oh-Crks
-1/18 Lancaster, Pa-Tfp
-1/19 Lansing, Mi-Michigan Coral Expo & Swap-Mmmc
-1/25-26 Simpsonville, Sc- SE Aquatic Expo
-2/8 Lakeland, Fl-Florida Frag Swap
-2/8 Cupertino, Ca-Svcfm/Cfm
-2/9 Appleton, Wi-Gbas
-2/22 Dallas, Tx-Coral Corral
-2/29 Cleveland, Oh-Lear
-3/7 Storrs, Ct-New England Frag Farmers Market
-3/7 Denver, Co-ReefStock
-3/14 Charleston, Sc-Reef Dreams
-3/14 Indianapolis, In-Indmas
-3/21 Perrysburg, Oh-Buckeye Reef Swap
-3/21 Rochester, Ny-Flower City Frag Fest
-3/21 Plantation, Fl-Fmas
-3/22 Chicago, Il-Mac/Cfm
-4/4 Tulsa, Ok-Tornado Alley Frag Expo
-4/11 Diamond Bar, Ca-Wccs/Cfm
-4/12 Easter
-4/18 Chicago, Il-Cmas
-4/18-19 New Orleans, La-Aqua Fest
-4/19 Buffalo, Ny-Queen City Frag Fest
-4/25-26 Orlando, Fl-Reef-a-Palooza FL
-4/25 Twin Cities, Mn-Tcmas
-5/2 Houston, Tx-Reef Currents-Marsh
-5/3 Dallas, Tx-Coral Fest
-5/16-17 Dallas, Tx-AquaShella
-5/16 Raleigh, Nc-ReefSmart
-5/16 New York, Ny-Frag Swap-Lira
-5/17 San Diego, Ca-Sdcfm/Cfm
-6/6 Denver, Co-Rocky Mt Coral Show/Cfm
-6/6 Lancaster, Pa-Tfp
-6/13 Bellevue, Wa-Sea Tac Coral Show/Cfm
-6/20 Nashville, Tn-Mtrc
-6/27-28 Secaucus, Nj-Reef-a-Palooza NY
-7/25 Indianapolis, In-Incs/Cfm
-8/15-16 Anaheim, Ca-Reef-a-Palooza CA
-8/28-30 Phoenix, Az-Macna
-9/12 Philadelphia, Pa-Philly Splash
-10/17-18 Chicago, Il-Reef-a-Palooza Chicago
-10/24 Columbia, Sc-Carolina Reef Experience
-10/24 Twin Cities, Mn-Tcmas
-11/7 Atlanta, Ga-Atcs/Cfm
-11/14 Memphis, Tn-Bluff City Frag Fest