20g long - Feb 2014 reboot


Princess Trainer
The first time I drilled a tank I cracked it. The crack went up away from the hole so I decided to use it anyway. When I decided to redo the tank I bumped the drain pipe and cause the crack to expand and it now leaked. Luckily the $1/gallon sale was going on and was able to get a new tank.

Tank was drilled; de-rimmed and the back was painted black. I originally had flex tubing for the return but I wanted to go with PVC this time. I had to do a little improvising bc the Aquatop return pump only had barbed fittings so I used a little J-B WaterWeld to make a fitting to use with PVC.

A misbar Clownfish, a Peppermint shrimp and a small CUC so far.

Lighting is a LED fixture from the GB last summer. MP10 and spray bar for the flow.

The fuge has an ATO from autopoff.com, a backup heater, PH and LR. I need to add a light and some chaeto.

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