20G Updates!


New member
I wanted to start a thread to keep updates on my nano. Its four months new and I have really been taking my time. Heres a quick break down.

I do 10% water changes every week, Im using a hob filter that I keep a hand full of filter floss and a bag of chemi-pure elite in, I have the AquaC Remora 1200 w/ pre skimmer, and a couple powerheads.I went with mostly dry Marco Rock and a few lbs of LR. I also used dry sand (Tropic Eden Reef Flakes).

I use rodi water and use oceanic salt. Before every water change I take a turkey baster and blow off all my rocks and stir the sand. I wait until the filter pulls out all the stuff in the water and then clean the filter and replace the floss.

Ok here are some pics. If you have any questions feel free to ask.








Ok so my tank is now four months and eleven days old! I just got some new additions so I thought Id share.. First is my frogspawn frag


And this I believe is a trumpet coral? Can anyone confirm?


And an updated FTS with my new T5's! Sorry it looks so blue, I used (2)ATI Blue+
(1)ATI Purple + and (1)New Generation 14K

The Zoanthids are doing great! They are really starting to spread! I havent lost anything I added since day one. Not even a snail haha.

I finally stepped it up and bought some LPS!
Yes it is a mccoskers. That little guys a pig and is growing fast! I dont know if my system can handle two? What do you think. Remember its only 20Gallons

It was an impulse buy I admit it but hes going great. Ive had him almost three months
yep 20g its a little on low side:(i got mine also 3 months and cant find female anywhere.i heard that when they no "flashing" to often,can loose/fade coloration.
Hmm I havent herd that.. I know the day will come when I have to trade. I love this fish though. Great personality. Hes the only fish I have.

Its so hard picking a fish for a 20Gallon. I wish I did at least a 40B.
Yes! The Helfrichi is awesome. (How do you pronounce that)? Also, How would I go about getting a pair? Ive never seen them sold like that.
Well... I havent done much to the tank. I still have my wrasse but I added 5lbs of some nice looking LR. I noticed what looks to be a single aiptasia. I plan on taking care of that very soon. I was thinking just take the rock out of the tank and scrape it off with a knife. Then give the rock a quick rinse in some new sw? Sound good?

Anyway.. More pics...

Skimmer is working great.

Nice and fat

