New member
Back in August my husband and I picked up a 210 gallon tank for a REALLY great price. We have had it running for about 6 months now as a FOWLR tank but recently decided to convert it into a LPS and Softies Reef tank. We are very slowly updating some of the equipment that came with the tank and transitioning the tank over from FOWLR to reef. I have a lot of work to do on the tank still and there is a lot of equipment that I would like to eventually replace and some additional equipment I hope to buy. Currently we have the tank running on a 1740-P Coral Life Turbo Sea Pump with a 1744 GPH flow rate and a 39 foot head pressure. This thing is seriously a beast, the main thing I don't like about it is how warm it keeps our water. The water is always running 80-82 degrees. At first we thought the water was warm because of the compact florescent fixture that we had running on the tank but once we switched our lighting over to LEDs we realized that the heat issue really had nothing to do with the lighting but more with the pump's rapid flow rate. So that is one thing I would eventually like to replace.
For lighting we have 6 36 inch Trulumen Current USA LED Fixtures (4 12,000k Diamond white and 2 Actinic Deepwater Blue) on the tank, they pack a pretty nice punch. We are happy with them for now and the few corals that are in the tank seem to be thriving under the new lighting. We will probably eventually add two more strips to the tank in the near future though before we transfer our coral from our smaller tank into the big tank.
We also have a Kent Marine Nautilus TE Turbo Eductor Protein Skimmer which I am also not impressed with that I would like to replace soon.
Another thing we want to do soon is rebuild our sump so that it includes a refugium.
As you can see we have lots to do on the tank and it is a work in progress but we are enjoying it and even though it is a slow process (darn budget!!!) we are having a blast.
Any comments, suggestions, ideas, ect... are welcome!
Here is a recent video (sorry my fish are kind of spazzy because my adorable husband was annoyingly throwing food in the tank over my shoulder to try to mess up my video) And also, sorry about the country music on this video. It's kinda loud I know....
210 gallon Reef Tank in Progress - YouTube
This is the small tank we have. Really small! 10gallons. We will eventually transfer the corals over once our lighting and system is ready
For lighting we have 6 36 inch Trulumen Current USA LED Fixtures (4 12,000k Diamond white and 2 Actinic Deepwater Blue) on the tank, they pack a pretty nice punch. We are happy with them for now and the few corals that are in the tank seem to be thriving under the new lighting. We will probably eventually add two more strips to the tank in the near future though before we transfer our coral from our smaller tank into the big tank.
We also have a Kent Marine Nautilus TE Turbo Eductor Protein Skimmer which I am also not impressed with that I would like to replace soon.
Another thing we want to do soon is rebuild our sump so that it includes a refugium.
As you can see we have lots to do on the tank and it is a work in progress but we are enjoying it and even though it is a slow process (darn budget!!!) we are having a blast.
Any comments, suggestions, ideas, ect... are welcome!
Here is a recent video (sorry my fish are kind of spazzy because my adorable husband was annoyingly throwing food in the tank over my shoulder to try to mess up my video) And also, sorry about the country music on this video. It's kinda loud I know....
210 gallon Reef Tank in Progress - YouTube
This is the small tank we have. Really small! 10gallons. We will eventually transfer the corals over once our lighting and system is ready