212,000 GALLON REEF - Interview


New member
Came across this on Mr. Saltwater Tank.com -Pretty freaking sweet. 60+ ft long, 25ft deep. 0ver 80,000w of MH Lighting, Anywhere between 1,500-2,500 fish.

Check it out:
I just checked out their website: http://www.calacademy.org/academy/exhibits/aquarium/

On top of the 212,000g Reef, they have 100,000g Northern California Coast tank, 100,000g "Flooded Rainforest' Tank, and dozens of other tanks ranging from 5g -5,000gals.

I'm actually flying out to Cali the first weekend in March to spread my Grandma's ashes in the Pacific Ocean (Marine Memorial). This Aquarium is in San Francisco, I'm gonna see if I can make it over there.
I didn't even know that was there. I will literally be living 5 minutes (walking) from this place. Made my day
If you're out in Northern Cali, and you have time, I'd highly recommend a trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It's hands down one of the best aquariums I've been to, especially given the amount of research they conduct. I think their otter tanks are still down sadly (remodeling), but it is well worth the trip. If you've really got some time, you can do some awesome kayaking nearby as well!