I have been meaning to share my reef system on this forum for a little while and finally got around to it. The main reef is 240 gallons 4x4x2'. It is tied to a 120 gallon custom built sump. There are also 4 other tanks connected to the sump, 2-30 breeders, 1 25 breeder and a 75 gallon tank. All of these tanks are used to house my clown fish pairs. The system uses a dart for a return pump, skimz skimmer and tunzes are used for additional flow. A lot of the corals are over 5 years old that came from previous systems. This tank was setup in November of 2009. Lighting on the main display is a single 400 watt reeflux 12k metal halide in a lumenmax reflector, with custom LED moon lights. There are also 4 supplemental T5 bulbs used with ATI blue pluses. Here are a couple of shots from the front. I am currently having an algae breakout that I am working on. I'll add more details and pictures in the future.