240 sps upgrade


:help (2)::help (2):i am in processing to upgrade my current 150 mix tank to 240 & it will be sps dominate. shoul i make up about 150 gallon fresh salt water & mix with the current system when time to tranfer live stock into the new tank or should i do 3 time water in 3 week ( 50 gallon) & reuse all old water to fill the new tank any suggestion . thank
I just transferred my 150 into a 320g and used all of my old water.i would do the same if i were you.If you need help let me know.
thank u, i need man power help to put the tank in the stand ( the tank was delivered b4 the stand done, so the tank on the floor now.) by monday, in return u will get my current 150 gal aga when i finish to transfer i need about 4 man thank.
I can probably help this Monday, I'll let you know. I don't need to get the tank to help, but wouldn't mind getting it :) If you have colonies, you should offer frags for helping, that'll get people attention.