25 gal tall

Power Outage or Power Surge tonight with the ice storm knocked out my filter on my 55gal. From what my girlfriend told me its not pumping any water out, she's unplugged it and drained the thing out, washed off the propellar, refilled and plugged back in and still nothing. ARgghh! Another trip to PetSmart and PetCo to look and purchase a new filter. Thinking this time it'll be a canister deal.

Have both powerheads running on the tank to keep things ciruclating, luckily I don't have any corals in the tank, just fish. Hope they can wait till 9am.

Bought a Fluval 306 canister so far so good and its nice and quiet.
Picking up a homemade stand tomorrow morning for my 40 gal breeder. Going to transfer everything over from the 25 to the 40. Need to drill the tank for an overflow. Also need to get the bulkhead and make an overflow for it or purchase a kit from glass holes site. Also looking at a 40 gal stock tank from fleet farm in WI. Its a little bit cheaper than Farm and Fleet only about .20 cents lol. Going to use that as a sump, see how that goes. May have both the 40 and 55 overflow into the 40 gal sump. Still deciding on how to go about it. May have a seperate refugium that drains into the 55, 55 drains into the 40 and the 40 drains into the stock tank and pumps back up to the refugium. Kind of like the waterfall build in the video I found on Youtube.


Was also thinking when I upgrade to 100+ tank after I move into a permanent house. I could get a 100gal stock tank for a sump and use the 40gal stock tank for the 40 gal breeder tank with the breeding pair of Gold stripe clowns.

Also started up a 10gal refug tank seperate from everything for now, has chaeto, 1 emerald crab and 1 peppermint shrimp in it also live pods.
Installed my in sump Eshopps Protein skimmer psk75 in the 55 for now. Went to ReefPlus picked up a yellow tang, green brittle star and a green/purple ricordea frag. The ricordea is rocking under the par38 21w dimmable bulb from OCReef com. Its sitting in a shell at the bottom of the tank. The tang is swimming around the tank alot and is picking at the live rock and sand.
Bought a rbta from Goat585, put it in my 25 with my gold stripes and the female attacked it. Ripped a couple of the tentacles off. I grabbed it out and put it in my 55. Doing fine, think the female went after it because it was on the sand and both clowns are constantly cleaning and moving the sound around in the tank. Next time I put a anemone in the 25, I'll make sure its attached to a rock and put it higher in the tank. Anyone else witness this behavior before when introducing an anemone in a tank with breeding clowns?
Bought a second 40 gal and built a sump/refugium after seeing Goat585's sumps. Also bought another 40 for a main display after redrilling and bulkhead install, then trying to move it on the stand back to the wall it caught on my 55 and cracked the glass going up to the top of it. Figure I could take a piece of glass, redrill for the bulkhead and seal it on the inside. See if will hold water for a month or more before setting it up. If not I'll just turn it into a large refugium or a frag tank. Also bought two more bulkheads. Probably will use one on the 55 so I can connect it to the 40 DT and 40 sump/refugium. I put the Onyxs, 1 Coral Banded and 1 Peppermint shrimp in the 40 DT and my Goldstrips are in the refugium for now which is about 30g's. Post pics of the sump/refugium with glass baffle measurements later on.

Also added a Pajama Cardinal to the 40 DT.

Will be cutting back on purchasing stuff for my tanks except food and maybe the occasional rad deal on CUC's. Saving up for the big engine swap for my 91' MR2.
Heres some photos of frags and whatnot in the 40 breeder display and 55. Under blue leds.
Octopus Green Frogspawn: 40 Breeder

Onyx Clowns: 40 Breeder

RBTA and some frags: 55

GSP: 55

Unknown frag: 55
Picked up a Forest Fire frag from (Goat585), Orange Setosa from (Coral ReefTank) put those in the 40B DT along with my GSP on the seashell. Also drilled the side of the 55 DT installed a bulkhead and connected the 55 DT to the 40DT then to the sump/refugium and back to the 55DT. Now I only have to add about 1 gallon top off water to the sump. Running pretty well so far. Added a 2" drain cover to the 55 DT from Menards. I might cut it a bit to get it to drain a little faster. Need to make sure the drain holes aren't too big bc of the girlfriends Barnacle Blenny that she has to have bc it was so CUTE! That's all I heard about when we went to Madison, WI, Living Art Aquarium store. They hooked us up with a rock that it took on as its home for $5 and it had some leather frag on it. I'll post a pic later on bc I'm not sure what it is exactly.
Setup my 20L for a propagation/grow out tank. Picked up a Clarkii clown and received 2 red monti's, 1 bright orange/red mushroom, 1 frilly mushroom and pink mouth paly's.
My gf and I went to ReefPlus picked up 2 green candy canes and 1 teal blue candy cane on Saturday. All the Frags went into my 40 and 1 green candy cane in the 55.

My gf is also looking for some barnacle blennies to go with her other one in the 55.
This weekend went to Reef Plus, picked up a 48" led dimmable strip for our 55gal. My gf picked out a feather duster (white and dark purple or black), I grabbed a GBTA and a red brittle star. They all went in the 40 DT.