Joe Lydon
New member
I bought an LED chip awhile back to try out on a 40b. Since then, the kids and I consolodated their tanks into one larger system for a few reasons. I've been having some heat issues since consolidating the 40b's because the new system has a canopy. I decided to wire up the LED set and see what it looked like on the 90 gallon. The chip is rated for 1600ma and I'm using a waterproof AC dimmable 0-1500ma driver. The LED kit came with a heatsink and 41cfm fan and I wasn't sure how to mount it on the tank. Ended up using a 4" pvc coupling. Just so happens the LED kit fits like a glove, so it looks somewhat professional. I will end up painting and clearcoating the hood when I get a chance. I found a clip light for $12 that I gutted and attached to the pvc. It's not strong enough to support the light, so I threw a pvc pipe across for now, but I will figure out a pretty brace system. I like that it's movable. The kit came with a lens, but I didn't use it. The chip is supposedly 20k, but it's pretty on point with the phoenix 14k. Eithet way, I'm gonna get a tek 2 bulb retro kit with some blue+ bulbs. I will probably get 100w chips, so I can run them at 50-70% power.
The 250w is on the left. The LED gives more shimmer. Both lights are same distance from water, they are much bluer than it shows and not as bright as my crappy phone cam makes them out to be.
I put this together quick and didn't have time to make it pretty.
The 250w is on the left. The LED gives more shimmer. Both lights are same distance from water, they are much bluer than it shows and not as bright as my crappy phone cam makes them out to be.

I put this together quick and didn't have time to make it pretty.