27 Cube


Sooo this has been a long time coming as it's my first tank since my house flooded but I finally have my 27 cube cycling at the moment. The tank is not RR and will be pretty basic in terms of livestock 3 fish and corals.

Marineland 27 cube
30lbs of Live Rock (BRS Mix and Fiji LR)
Tunze 6025
Vortech Mp10
Aquaclear 70 with Chemi Pure Elite
Eshopps HOB Skimmer
Par Bulb and Marineland Double Bright (Came with tank)

Live Stock:
2 Onyx Clowns
Midas Blenny

While the tank cycles I need to determine the final 2 things Livestock and Lights. At the moment my remaining budget for the tank is $210 and I know if I want to keep corals I will need to upgrade my lighting. Sooo do I:

A. Buy my lights now ($120 reef radiance) and be ready to house corals once I wait a few months
B. Stick with the Par bulb and spend the money on livestock and low light corals (Softies, Zoas, Pulsing Xenia and Frogspawn). The bulb has 9 LED's (6 Blue and 3 White)

My thought is stick with option (A) as that would leave my with $90 to buy 3 fish and whatever cheap corals I can find but figured I'd get everyone's opinion.

You could sell your two lights now to get a little bit of cash for your new lights to get the coral and fish that you really want.
Yep, lights. So you didn't drill the tank before filling?

I had limitations with the tank size/style and having a sump at this point was out of the question, plus I had all my old HOB accessories in my parents attic so they weren't impacted by the flood.
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Figured I would post an update on this as I'm finally happy with how things have progressed.

The tank remains the marineland 27 gallon with:
- aquaclear 50 to hold my chemi pure elite
- 3 vortech mp10's (on 90%) and my corals love it
- OR T2047b light (this light just got hooked up on Tuesday)

-Pair of clowns
-12 line wrasse
- midas blenny
- yellow coris wrasse
- tons of softies

I went the soft coral route as I've always had good luck with them growing quickly. I will be picking up a Fiji yellow coral this weekend (hopefully) as well as another neon green toadstool.
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figured i'd provide a brief update to the tank as things have progressed nicely. i'll be adding my 4th vortech mp10 to the tank later this week which may seem crazy on a 27 gallon cube BUT with the softies getting so large the extra flow helps avoid any dead spots.

all my rock work is pretty much covered with either xenia, kenya or mushrooms at this point.

water changes every 2-3 weeks of 5 gallons or so and dose: reef snow and purpleup
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