28 g nano cube filtration question


Well-known member
currently we have about 25 pounds of live sand, 30 pounds of live rock. would running a media basket set up like the picture with weekly 3 GALLON water changes be enough?
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we only have softies 2 clowns, one yellow gobby and a diamond watchman

is there anything you would suggest? trying to keep the set up as clean looking as possible, and the bottom of the stand is taken up by a chiller already
I'd take out the sponge at the bottom and the carbon. Put the chaeto in the middle chamber, chemipure elite in the bottom chamber and some basic filter floss in the top chamber.
I gave up on trying to run Chaeto. I just think it just traps more det than it is worth in such a small space. Running a phos remover and carbon and your weekly WC might be enough. My tank has improved dramatically since I removed the macro fuge attempt.
I gave up on trying to run Chaeto. I just think it just traps more det than it is worth in such a small space. Running a phos remover and carbon and your weekly WC might be enough. My tank has improved dramatically since I removed the macro fuge attempt.

any particular brand of these?
any particular brand of these?

I have had good luck with purigen and I know people like chemipure elite. For carbon I'm not too picky, but bulkreefsupply.com is a sponsor and you can get on the group buy to get a prety good discount on their brand stuff.
I'm currently running filter floss, purigen and chemipure elite in the three chambers. Keeps everything very stable.