29 gallon cube fish question


New member
Does anybody think it would be an issue having two clowns a corris wrasse and a coral beauty in a 29 gallon biocube ?
That's kind of what I was thinking but going off what they say as far as size requirements it's too small thanks tang police for the input much appreciated
That's kind of what I was thinking but going off what they say as far as size requirements it's too small thanks tang police for the input much appreciated

I hear ya on the size requirement but water changes and no overfeeding LOL I have a friend in Elmhurst with a 260 gallon with 60 fish Tangs & Angels ( 18 Yellow tang alone ) so much for the theory of only 1 of same fish per tank Ammon 0 and Nitrite 0 and lots of live rock and mangroves in the sump

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This is just my personal opinion and i am not an expert but a corris wrasse needs a 125 gallon or larger tank and a coral beauty needs a 75 gallon. If you look the fish up, the coral beauty needs plenty of space to hide in rock work. A 29 gal won't provide that.

A corrise wrasse will grow and can reach 6 - 8 inches in an aquarium. A 29 cube is not large enough for a fish that size. It also needs plenty of room to burrow in the sand.

The clowns will be perfectly fine and there are different wrasses you can put with them. Personally, i do not recommend the beauty and corris in that small of a tank. I'm not trying to be a jerk but as reefers, we have a certain degree of responsibility when keeping this livestock and we need to operate reasonably within that.

Bob's advice is in regards to the bioload and keeping the water clean with a high bioload but he doesnt address the fact that this is a far too small of a tank for those fish.

A few gallons is ok but this is a huge difference and both fish will be stressed and pass away.

If you are looking for a certain look of livestock we can recommend some other options. Ultimately, it is your choice but you asked for advice and i am being honest. I personally do not recommend the beauty and corris.

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Mike I couldn't agree more the reason I ask is I am moving and was planning to keep the fish however they would be in a cube for a while until I would be able to set up my larger tank again but if I do have to give the beauty and wrasse away at least there are plenty of good homes on this forum to place them
I didn't get that from your first post. Didn't mean to treat you like a noob. You might still stress them out depending on how long you plan to house them there. Good luck with the switch and move.

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