29 gallon nano setup


Active member
Hello everyone. Im new to the forum and semi new to the hobby. I had a 120 reef and sold the tank now im running and 27 cube reef and starting the 29. The 29 has about 40lbs of live rock in it and a 3" sand bed. Right now only a 250gph powerhead in the tank. It has 2 holes drilled in the back with 1" pvc for drain and return. The filter is a 29 gallon tank with a poorly built trickle tower. A refugium chamber and a return chamber. Im ordering a 500gph retun pump since the one I have is only I beleive a 250 or so. The tank is cycling now so theres nothing really in it. Here is a before the build started and this is now.

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Thanks the water has cleared up just waiting for the cycle to finish now. Ill get pictures with the water clear today. I plan on finishing the stand in wood so I can hide the fuge and lighting and wires

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2 black and white clowns, 3 spotted cardinal, hi fin red banded goby, red mandarin dragonet. Theres more I want im sure. Just cant think of them

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It's coming along pretty good! Just make sure you have an established population of copepods before you add the red mandarin. They are beautiful fish but are real picky eaters.
It's coming along pretty good! Just make sure you have an established population of copepods before you add the red mandarin. They are beautiful fish but are real picky eaters.

Thanks for the heads up

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First off. Anyone else having trouble starting another thread?

And second is this aiptasia? I hope not because I kinda like it



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My ammonia has read .50 for a week So I was curious why my tank wasnt cycled after a week even though I started it with 40-50 lbs of live rock and a 3" sand bed in display and fuge. Found out my test kit is bad haha. And the tank parameters are perfect

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I have been researching Aptasia, since I'm starting up with Live Rock but it doesn't look like it. I have to go with the Duncan one- it looks like that. Take this with a grain of salt though- all I've done is internet research on what to look for on rock.

I love the way your rock is set up. Nice job!
Thanks salty that piece I thought was aptasia is in my 27 so its not even in the tank above. Heres the 27.


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