40 breeder part duce


Starting the thread here for my 40 breeder, soon to be built.


40 breeder
20long sump
20long fuge
around 50ish gallons of greatness

t5 lighting from fishneedit

ok so question time. I have been thinking this setup through now for about 3 months, and I'm still unsure about a bunch.

Has anyone seen a display fuge that looked worth it to see? I was thinking about putting both the 20longs right next to eachother and having the fuge in front and frame it out so it shows.

I'm building a stand, and would it be better todo a solid top or do just 2X4's?

has anyone use glass-holes.com overflows?

im sure ill have more questions when they come up, pictures as I start doing stuff!!
to answer your stand question.
if your tank has the black bracing on the bottom, a solid stand offers no extra support. (those braces are the only thing touching the stand)

the glass-holes overflows kits look pretty nice. they are pretty basic durso standpipes that have top skimming.

and remember, i have the 1" and 3/4" glass bits, so unless you want your own you can save about $20
Grats on the 40b, my fiancee's brother just grabbed one today on the sale to upgrade his 29g fowlr when hes ready to go reef, I'm thinking we will convert the 29g into his fuge/sump after moving the fish and rocks into the 40. I got myself a 29g to keep in the garage and use for storing pre-mix, and as a QT/Hospital in a pinch when necessary. Looking forward to the progress on your 40b, cant wait to see how it turns out!

As far as a display worthy fuge tank, you could VERY easily build one to look good. Would be cool to see how that turns out if you go custom stand and build a display fuge into it.
because i have 2 20longs, making one a "mixing" station and RO water holder is a promising idea because i could make the middle of the sump a fuge easily being so long.

thanks alot fish now i got more ideas going lol.

i never see anyone doing a display fuge, so that stand out factor, definitely gonna figure out how to.

as far as the stand support, i was leaning that way anyways, but just making sure if it was easier to level out the tank that way. for the clean approach, a tiled surface......................................always thought that kicked ***
My wife had a sorta hissy fit because one of the angels (FW) has a swim bladder issue and isn't swimming that well, and isn't getting fed. I'm gonna give him another couple days and then I'm gonna have to euthanize him, he doesn't look like hes having fun at all. because the fish are named.... not just a fish to her like it is to me. i blame the pregnant hormones....

anyways, I am going to get lumber here in the next week, baby born pending, and start my stand. I am TERRIBLE with sketchup so you guys will not be blessed with great pictures, but here's what I have thinking around.

2 20 longs are just not gonna fit and look decent enough. the only way is to have one overhang the other......and ease of maintenance, uh no. so the 2nd 20 long that is coming will be my future QT tank or frag tank if i ever get to that point. I'm not overly bummed about it, it will leave me some under cabinet space to put food and electrical components, and if i decide to do reactors, I'll have plenty of space.

I also saw an amazing build that a guy made his stand an AIO like the max 130 where he has the electrical down to 1 cord coming out, with a little pop out (like under sink for sponges) with a couple recepticals (mix water I'm assuming) and light switches. I am most definitely going to steal that idea because I'm not going to afford a reefkeeper anytime soon, and I actually know how to do enough electrical to get that right. the reason he did it was to allow him to easily turn stuff off to feed, genius idea IMO, and because of that, the bottom almost never needs to be opened.

I am going to make the fuge a hole and try this display fuge idea. worse case if it looks ugly, because I built it, i can re-sheet it easy enough to cover it. there are some seriously beautiful fauna that is overlooked because we kill the tanks with algae eaters. I'm going to sell my cube, so that's some money but I'm going to keep my nova extreme 18" and make that the fuge light, because it's going to be a display in itself, i want the color to be right.

I'm gonna make the fuge at least 18" long because i have 30 to work with on the 20L, and might look good enough centered, offset on the side might work too, we will see and probably ask for input on that one.

I'm gonna drill it, i hate having the skimmer box over the top, i know people have issue with the siphon and whatnot, so because owen has the bits, all the more reason todo it.

that brings another question though. the bottom of this tank isn't tempered, so drilling the bottom is a possibility. doing a reef ready setup, is that better than a glassholes on teh back? pros and cons?

All i got so far.
Stupid overnight shifts, I'm up at 3am with nothing to do on my day off, so I learned sketchup. it really is that easy. This is what I'm thinking right now.

thank you smitty.

I finished the sump design, and I'm pretty happy with it. as you can see here, I'm going to basically make it an AIO type setup, with the display fuge as the "display". I haven't figured out how to make tubes and pipes, but I'm going to Y the down tube into the fuge and "fall area" of the back. after I did the design, I think it is going to make more sense to have the down tube fall into the fuge, then overflow into the back and then back up to the display tank. I'll play with it and see what you guys think.


very interesting.
sketchup is nice, but inventor is a bit better...



a project i did a while ago, 180 gal tank.

... you know my # if ya need help building, my weekends are free.
My cube is going to Johnny, but he can't take it until September/October because they are moving, and only wants to move it once, makes complete sense, so I will not be having this up and running until then (using the money from the sale to re-invest)

so we got some time, but I can get stuff like the overflow going.

whad you guys think? is my writeup cool or sucky? I wanna yousa opinions.
i totally forgot that you can CAD stuff! I will put you up to that because first, i haven't seen you in forever, and 2nd we never seem to get together with our schedules.


this kid knows how to make a stand lemme tell you. electrician, notso much, becuase if he was, he would know that anything even close to water needs the GFI sockets. but good build none the less.
gonna be a few until that happens, i have a baby due any day now, and I'm saving for that and a fish tank build, so the baby sorta gets more money than my fish fund. once september rolls and i start bowling again, Ill be getting more play money.

This is EXACTLY what i want todo with my display fuge, only on the 20 gallon side. I'm thinking more and more about cutting it down the middle, and the more I think, the more I don't want to and have the whole space be full of water. I'm looking right now into the size of the equipment I want, because I want to possibly hang the skimmer off the side/back of the display fuge, along with my aquaclear for a place to put my carbon and whatnot if necessary, and do the false wall only a couple inches. I love the look of the rockwall, and it really is stupid easy todo.

Oh and lighting, I really don't like how his 2 tanks have different lighting looks, I'm saving my 18" light for the fuge, so everything will blue hue.

whad you guys think?