40g Mixed cube

Coral Man

Premium member
Sharing my little piece of the ocean


Glassecages 40g cube
Trigger ruby cube sump
Marineland stand
Ocean Revive black box LED
Orbit marine pro(fuge)
DCT-4000 return pump
RW-4 & a nano koralia wave makers
200w cobolt heater
Omega Vertex 130 skimmer

I’ve got a herbie drain running and it is absolutely dead silent! Unfortunately it was a predrilled tank and I’ve never drilled one so I decided to go with some external return lines. I run just over 1000gph with return pump, Another 1000+ in power heads. The stand was used so I repainted and painted the inside white, added a couple Home Depot led strips in there too. I removed the door so the fuge can be on display. I plan on incorporating a small frag tank but till then I’m using the fuge for some extra coral/frags I have so I put a small power head in there as well.


1 1/2” scopus tang
Pair of clowns(I hate clowns! Will be rehomed)
Trio of chromis
Cleaner shrimp
Variety of snails, no turbos.
Mix of dwarf hermits
Grey striped serpent (banned to sump for moving rock)
Mixed coral from sun coral to plates to Anemones to sps.

Planing on adding 2 small yellow coris wrasses after the clowns are gone, and a six line if I can find a well..better mannered one anyways.

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Very nice. 2 quick questions if I may. How do you like the Orbit for the fuge, I need to get a fuge light for my emerald, also thoughts on the Vertex Skimmer?
I bought this orbit when it was released for almost 400$ it’s the 18” ..lol. I have used it for macro fuge with great results. Vertex skimmers are awesome, quality like none other I’ve had. Everything is pvc welded and it comes apart for cleaning the inside. Their tricky dialing in as there is 2 adjustments, they have a air/water ratio knob on the custom sicce pump. Also, has ozone if you use it.



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Sorry but now the pics are not big like before , maybe the new administration down the bytes per pic you can upload

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