50 gallon container for ATO, what to use


Well-known member
ill be leaving on a month long vacation and thinking of leaving the tank on auto mode with a big a$$ ato ..

so i need about 50 gallons or so tank for ato ..what can i use ?
I would just get the giant rubber maid brute trash cans.. Those are heavy duty and extremely sturdy and should work well

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Should be fine.. I see a lot ppl with large tanks use this as an ato without any problem..

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Damn i wasnt even thinking straight ..

i use about -.8 gallons a day and im gone for 30 days i wouldnt even need a 50 gal :) need a 32 gallon or so ..

thanks ill get the 32 gallon brute and be done with it :)
If you haven't picked anything up yet. I have a 55 gallon food grade barrel you are welcomed to. (If you ever get by the Illinois /Wisconsin boarder. ?)

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If that's the case just get a 40 breeder. U won't be cutting it to close with the ato reservoir. That extra 8 gallons will keep u calm.