60 Gallon cube tank build..


Premium member
Hello All,

Well I have decided to make a tank build thread since this site has been so helpful. Thanks to everyone for helping out, and being patient with my stupid questions, especially BigBarnacles.

I am a total noob, So I have been slowly putting stuff together and reading lots of forums. I have been messing with the tank for about 3 weeks now just making sure there are no leaks..

Purchased a used setup from a local guy..
60 Gallon Cube with stand..
Eshopps PSK 75 Skimmer
2 Mp10Wes
Extra Pumps..
RO/DI unit..

Put in about 40lbs of dry rock from AQ and 40 lbs or dry sand as well.

Heres some pics of the slow process.. I am going to fill with water some time this week and use Dr Tim's one and only with his Ammonia. Hopefully all works well..

I will be updating as much as I can. Sorry for the terrible pics..

Thank you all for the help!!! Most helpful forum I have visited.. !!!
Nice rock work ! How did you glue all that rock together like that? What are you planning on stocking it with? Corals? Either way your starting on the right foot by searching for info and not just jumping into things. Keep up the good work.
Thanks guys.. I used hold fast to hold all the pieces together. I would say its very solid. The hardest part was trying to figure out my rock lay out. I am planning on stocking with some beginner corals at first and some fishies..

Any of you guys used Dr Ti's stuff before???

Also any recommendations on a CUC after cycling is complete.. Amount and what type..
Alrighty all.. Finally got the light hung. Was a pain in the ***. Figured it would have been a little easier but no biggy. Today I am going to fill with water and get her running for a day or so and then start my cycle with Dr. Tim's stuff.. So nervous and excited to put the water in hope all goes well.. AGHHHH..

wish me luck

Really coming together, will be a awesome centerpiece to the room. Even though that lil statue is also really cool :p

p.s. silly kitty :a18:
Tank is finally filled with water !!! I had one issue pumping the water into the tank. The pump was to weak to pump water directly in the tank so I had to fill the sump and then run the return pump to get the water into the DT. All worked out well no issues.. Here are some pics.

Have any of you guys use the Dr Tim's one and only stuff with Ammonia???

More of the SILLY Kittie to :)

Thanks guys..

Trust me I cant wait to put some life in it. Im just gonna take it slow though.. Trying not to rush anything..
Alright so I finally stopped MOST of the bubbles going to the next chamber. I have tried many things to get this to stop. There is still bubbles coming out of the drain pipe but they have been stopped in the drain chamber.

Here is what I tried..


I know this has worked for many people, but not me..


So the bubble tower has been working great for me so far. All the bubbles stay in the tower and pop there. It is not even glued together yet so little tiny bubbles get through still. No more bubbles popping everywhere, or going into the next chamber.

Ill be updating later on with the result of Dr. Tim's one and only with ammonia for cycling. I am on day 6 so far and my Nitrite is at 2.0 and have been dosing Ammonia. I notice after Ammonia being at around 2 it will drop to 1 after the night.. I think I am getting there..
I'm glad you were able to figure out a way to minimize the bubbles.

I just had a question regarding how you set up the drain line on the reverse durso. Where did you have the drain line feeding into the reverse durso?

It almost looks as if you had it feeding the street 90 that's coming out of the Tee. If that's how you had it setup, you may have looked at a bad pic of one.

The way that has seemed to work for the most people is to have the drain line feed into the top of the tee, then coming out of the side you have the street 90 with a cap or plug on the end with a hole drilled in it. The bottom of the Tee remains open.

The theory is the as the water falls through the tee, the bubbles travel through the side of the tee and are vented through the hole in the cap or plug on the street 90.

After I get back from Wisconsin, I'll have some time on Sunday to hook mine up. I'll let you know how it works and I'll take some pics.
Hey guys. A little update on the tank. Coming along. Heres some pics, sucky iphone pics.. let me know what you guys think..

Yea the sand is getting bad. Tanks been running for only 3 months. I heard cucumbers can trash the tank if they die. Hoping it will go away on its own.