60gal cube 3d rock back ground i did for a buddy


Premium member
first cut out and siliconed the shapes and over flow holding area

then first coat of cement

in total 3 coats of cement used this is last one drying

then with another diy led fixture for another friends frag tank lighting it up was doing both projects at same time so was testing out light and seeing how the tank looked with light also testing color for frag tank
One day to do the foam then 3 days for cement ten minutes to coat 24hrs to dry lol so total maybe 8hrs
U can use the pink board that goes behind sideing or this white styrofoam stuff comes in sheets too
You could make some $$$ doing this mad man!

Lol i know right. My 90 gallon fowlr looks sweet with the leds and back ground real deep water look runnung only 6 10k and 32 royal blues awsome look oh wait i did make money 100$ to do this one
Only thing i noticed is calcium is high and ph was high for while so took while to stabilize tank . My 90 beenrunning for while now