A few more fish to add?


I've been in the hobby for about 2 years now. Started with a 14 gl nano, upgraded to a 29, and have finally settle in with a 75 gl reef set-up

So I've pretty much got my tank set up fish-wise but I'd like to add one more species. It currently houses a pair of Picasso clowns, a small Blue (Hippo) Tang (yea I know it will eventually get too big but it came with the tank), a Hoevens Wrasse, a Yellow-Tailed Blue Damsel, a lawnmower Blenny, a bi-colored Blenny, a Gobie (can't recall type), and a Royal Gramma. Everyone gets along and there doesn't seem to be any territorial issues.

I also have a BTA and a LTA, a long spine urchin and 2 halloween urchins. There is the standard cleaning crew of hermits, snails, and emerald crabs.

My thoughts are either to add a few small "schooling" fish - Pajama Cardinals or Anthiias OR a couple of small colorful Wrasses.

Any suggestions or thoughts from the membership???
With enough rock work for hiding your tank can easily house more fish. You have small fish and with a very good skimmer and nutrient export system you can achieve more fish species.
With enough rock work for hiding your tank can easily house more fish. You have small fish and with a very good skimmer and nutrient export system you can achieve more fish species.

Any suggestions as to what I might want to look at in the Wrasse family ?
As far as "a couple colorfull wrasses" go. I doubt you can make it work as easy as it sounds. If you were set on it. These would have to be added at the same time. Also if not there will be aggression.

You can try anthias but may end up in failure as they tend to be difficult to keep. Easy? Get 9 chromies and call it a day
As far as "a couple colorfull wrasses" go. I doubt you can make it work as easy as it sounds. If you were set on it. These would have to be added at the same time. Also if not there will be aggression.

You can try anthias but may end up in failure as they tend to be difficult to keep. Easy? Get 9 chromies and call it a day

well at least you did'nt say Damsels LOL
well at least you did'nt say Damsels LOL

My cousin put 9 chromies in his 75g for the most part they stick together. .it looks pretty cool having them take up some of the open swimming space. Nothing wrong with chromies.

Hell even a neon blue devil actually looks nice once fully grown

I dont recommend this to the OP. If i can find one adult when all my fish are in. Im putting it in my reef and then regret it after.

EDIT; he already has a yellow tail blue damsel
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I thought you had posted yellow tang and blue hippo tang. That's a lot of bioload especially if you are going to keep corals.
Well...based on the advice given here....I've purchased 3 Green Chromis. They're in my QT tank for now. Once I introduce them to my community tank, I'll post pictures of the tank. Thanks to everyone for their replies.