I've been in the hobby for about 2 years now. Started with a 14 gl nano, upgraded to a 29, and have finally settle in with a 75 gl reef set-up
So I've pretty much got my tank set up fish-wise but I'd like to add one more species. It currently houses a pair of Picasso clowns, a small Blue (Hippo) Tang (yea I know it will eventually get too big but it came with the tank), a Hoevens Wrasse, a Yellow-Tailed Blue Damsel, a lawnmower Blenny, a bi-colored Blenny, a Gobie (can't recall type), and a Royal Gramma. Everyone gets along and there doesn't seem to be any territorial issues.
I also have a BTA and a LTA, a long spine urchin and 2 halloween urchins. There is the standard cleaning crew of hermits, snails, and emerald crabs.
My thoughts are either to add a few small "schooling" fish - Pajama Cardinals or Anthiias OR a couple of small colorful Wrasses.
Any suggestions or thoughts from the membership???
So I've pretty much got my tank set up fish-wise but I'd like to add one more species. It currently houses a pair of Picasso clowns, a small Blue (Hippo) Tang (yea I know it will eventually get too big but it came with the tank), a Hoevens Wrasse, a Yellow-Tailed Blue Damsel, a lawnmower Blenny, a bi-colored Blenny, a Gobie (can't recall type), and a Royal Gramma. Everyone gets along and there doesn't seem to be any territorial issues.
I also have a BTA and a LTA, a long spine urchin and 2 halloween urchins. There is the standard cleaning crew of hermits, snails, and emerald crabs.
My thoughts are either to add a few small "schooling" fish - Pajama Cardinals or Anthiias OR a couple of small colorful Wrasses.
Any suggestions or thoughts from the membership???