A lot of corals well worth the drive


New member
My order came in today from aquasd.
And today turned into a fun long day of buying more corals!
Oak lawn to get corals then to schaumburg (beyond the reef) to drop off grow out coral then to Glenn Ellyn to aquapros and found some awesome corals at awesome deals then Back to oak lawn to drop off some corals then home. That was alota driving but thanks to my gps (lunacris) I didn't get lost
Pictures will be up soon!
Lesson learned. Bought frag of la lakers. Was sitting a large clump and guy pulled chunk off for me. Wasn't on plug. I layed on rock. Thought would be ok. Gone. Moved stuff around. Spent 20 mins with flash light. Nothing. Not happy.
Lesson learned. Bought frag of la lakers. Was sitting a large clump and guy pulled chunk off for me. Wasn't on plug. I layed on rock. Thought would be ok. Gone. Moved stuff around. Spent 20 mins with flash light. Nothing. Not happy.

sucks for you, number one thing you want to do is just super glue the polyp to the rock, otherwise you risk losing it. You might get lucky and still find them stuck somewhere. I just did a one polyp frag of armor of god last night and fragged it in tank, almost lost it when i detached it but was able to net it and then glue it to something.
Yea never leave any coral floating around ..

i pulled of a mushroom day before yesterday and before i catched it, it floated all the way to the back where i couldnt reach it .. taking off the rock to ge it too much work .. i wished i know shrimp language so i can get my cleaner shrimp to get it for me :(
Lesson learned. Bought frag of la lakers. Was sitting a large clump and guy pulled chunk off for me. Wasn't on plug. I layed on rock. Thought would be ok. Gone. Moved stuff around. Spent 20 mins with flash light. Nothing. Not happy.

Dude! For what it's worth: glue zoas down asap because if they float, they tend to get fungus on em and go bleh...I'm sure they're somewhere because he cut you a decent size right?
Yea it was a nice size. I already pulled some rocks away but no luck. I wanna change landscape soon so maybe I'll come across them.
Jay, nice meeting u!
yay!!!!! i found it!!! and it was tucked in a tight spot so my awesome wife managed to squeeze her body behind the tank and her arm past the rock to grab it!!!
Great to hear you found em. It totally sounds like my weekend as well just like Jorge said! :wacko: Oh! We want to see pics! :p
So here are some of the things I got on my day adventure
All three of these came from aquasd. The two have one type on each plug the third on the right has two on one plug

Here are the other two that I got from the $10 wysiwyg

Now we also ordered a rainbow maul and it seems we got a darth maul instead :( that really sucks but the owner at aquasd is doing a great job making it up to us for the error just to bad we won't be getting the rainbow maul :(
Thes three here I got from aquapros I'm glenn ellyn

Along with the one in the bottom right of this pic

And here are three acans I got from aquapros too



It's just too bad that the pics didn't come out as good:(
Good to hear you found the Laker frag. I would suggest moving the acan echinata away from the acan lord, the two dont get along, and they look like they're really close to each other
yay!!!!! i found it!!! and it was tucked in a tight spot so my awesome wife managed to squeeze her body behind the tank and her arm past the rock to grab it!!!

what a nice wife u owe her one. my gf would have told me to f off. shes scared of the bugs and worms lol
Well when a man and a women have babies, wether its a boy or a girls is decided in the male end of it.
I try to joke sometimes and a lot of times it's funnier in my head :)