acan coral help


Well-known member
so I just got an acan coral. Was wondering how often are you supposed to feed them? And what kind of food? Been feeding it mysis shrimp every three days.. Been just setting the shrimp near the tentacle thingys.. Its pretty sweet lol

thanks jep
They do fine with 3 times a week feeding, And they will consume what else you put in tank for your fish on it's own every other day.Some people feed them once a week and they do fine but i like growth!
They are photosynthetic, so don't have to feed that often, unless you want them to get bigger or multiply faster. 3 times a week is fine. I have acans I don't even directly feed, they are doing fine, just not getting bigger.
Basically feeding is for growth like the rest said. They will eat off what you feed the fish when you feed. Every 3 three days like you're doing should be great. I have alot of Acans and I used to feed them every two days and got some nice growth out of them. But I've been getting kind of lazy and only feed maybe once a week now a days. They are doing great regardless though. I personally have never fed pellets, I've always used frozen meaty food soaked in Seachem Reef Plus or amino from brightwell.
I feed my aussie pineapple lord 2x a day with bits of shrimp and its grown 5 new heads this month, i also fragged it 2 weeks ago ad the frag eats shrimp too, however i only feed my other acans once a day