Acan Melting

I just got home from work, and my acans (that I was admiring last night because they looked great) appear to be melting. Everything else in the tank looks good and very happy. what could be causing this? I haven't made any recent tank changes.

Thanks in advance
anything near it. maybe stung or fish bothering to much light could be lots of things . goona need more info for people to help u
I had some Acans that were doing good for awhile, but eventually started wasting away, even though no changes were made. I moved them to a lower light and lower flow spot and they are coming back.
There is nothing near it that could be stinging it. It is on a rock of its own. It has been in the same spot (high light, moderate flow) for at least 8 months and has seemed very happy. What kind of flow and lighting do they prefer? Could flow/lighting effect it so quickly?

I dont think it has to do with parameters. All other corals have full extension.
They just look closed up to me .. When u see white skeleton that's when u go problems ... I wouldn't do anything for now wait a couple days and see if they open up ... I have a few acans and sometimes they close up for a day or 2 and come back just as big if not bigger
There is nothing near it that could be stinging it. It is on a rock of its own. It has been in the same spot (high light, moderate flow) for at least 8 months and has seemed very happy. What kind of flow and lighting do they prefer? Could flow/lighting effect it so quickly?

I dont think it has to do with parameters. All other corals have full extension.

I always keep acans in low light at bottom around 100/150 par
I keep min on the bottom where they get low light low flow and a lot of junk to eat. Ask anyo e that has seen my tank my scans look great and are multiplying.