acan question


New member
sooooooo I have all softies and a few lps .....the only coral that I have had trouble with is the acan. They just wont open. Today I tried dipping and notice a few pods come of. I was watching the tank for a bit and it seems my Coral Rock Beauty was nipping at him. He is on a rock so I am not sure if he was tasting the coral or just the rock. But now I wonder if this could be my issue with the acan???
coral beauty was probably going after the pods. acans can be tricky with lighting and flow. gotta move it around a bit to try different combos til you find the right one
all angels are not 100% reef safe and yes he was probably niping those acans if he get a taste of it he wont stop
+1 if u saw what u thought was nipping... kiss the acans goodbye.. any fleshy lps like scolys, blastos, acans.. they love
sooooooo I have all softies and a few lps .....the only coral that I have had trouble with is the acan. They just wont open. Today I tried dipping and notice a few pods come of. I was watching the tank for a bit and it seems my Coral Rock Beauty was nipping at him. He is on a rock so I am not sure if he was tasting the coral or just the rock. But now I wonder if this could be my issue with the acan???

Also what u mean by open? U mean feeders come out? Not all acans do that. Must just puff up. Keep acans around 100-150 par with medium flow.... And u'll b good if the angel doesn't eat them.
I have a bare bottom but yes I have had them on the bottom. ... Shaded partial shaded .... 75 gallon 2 -150 halides and 96w of actinics
Mag 1300. Cal 460 . Kh. 8. Temp 77 spec grav 25
Phos almost 0. No nitrates I'm thinking maybe it's that angel????