Acro Crab?


New member
So... I think I have an acro crab on a new mini-colony I bought today! Well.. I hope its an acro and not a gorilla... Anyhow, it's tough to get a picture of it, so here's a nice nondescript blurry one. The crab is white/pink (kind of like the colony) with a thin black edging to its central body (but not on the claws). Its a really cute crab, so I hope its a good thing to have... Incidentally, if it is in fact an acro-crab, are those friends or foes?

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Also, sorry if the pic is sideways... it's oriented properly on my computer....
The picture is oriented for the crab, which is indeed an acro crab. He's as friendly as they come, and I'm about as jealous as they come. :D
Awesome!! Glad to hear it, and yes - its probably the cutest crab I've seen! Great hue too, matches the coral, so that's no surprise. Guess I got really lucky :) Picked up the mini colony / large frag at Advanced Aquatics today, so I'm quite happy I got a little bonus too! (oh, and totally off-topic, Advanced has a great 30% off livestock sale going on right now... just saying ;))

Lol, and it is oriented for the crab, hehehe... she's a bit camera shy though, hopefully I get a better picture with a real camera soon!
I have yet to see a single store get in so many colonies with acro crabs as does Advanced. Glenn must have Magic Crab Powers, or something. :)
Woot, hehe, I couldn't be happier with the little guy now! Was pretty amazed when I first saw it, so I'm glad its positive hitch-hiker. I'll try camping it with my camera to see if I get a good shot, well, after a water change today... It does do a funny little dance every once in a while, it kind of wobbles back and forth. I suppose it is part of its attempt to blend in.
Neat! It looks like a Tetralia sp., possibly Tetralia nigrolineata, which feeds on coral mucus and eggs. Interestingly enough, Tetralia spp. can have light and dark color morphs that typically inhabit acro's with the same general color (for example: the light form of T. nigrolineata with Acropora tenuis and Acropora millepora). Since I am beyond horrendous at ID'ing hard corals, I won't even try to guess what species you have! The bottom line is that whatever the species, both coral and crab are gorgeous. I'm jealous too!

Here are a couple of links with a bit more info/photos: