Adding rock to existing tank!


Active member
Hello can I ask some question?
I need to add more rock to my existing tank. Should I add live rock or dry rock?
Dry rock is cheaper but I don't know if its good to be added?
if adding rock to the tank cause and problem?
sencond, I bought a melanurus wrasse 3 days ago. first day he is very active swimming around looking for food. he disappeared the first night. I couldn't find him. I saw him the next day when i came back from work. the next 2 days not night whole day. I don't see him any more. I don't know if he still under the sendbed or what..nothing around the floor. so where is he?
hiding under sendbed or what? What should i do to make him comes out?
You should be able to add dry rock to your system with out too much of an issue. Of course... I would suggest doing things in moderation. If you put a ton of new anything in your tank, it could throw your tank out of best to go slow.

As for your wrasse... do you have a top on your tank?...on your overflow? Wrasses are escape artists... The will sometimes find the smallest gaps in a canopy and then go carpet surfing. I have had some fish that have just plain disappeared....never to be found. guess is they made a jump and one of my wife's cats dined on a little fresh fish.
I have glasstop on it..and peaceful reef tank..
I search around the stand and the floor I couldn't find it..
I've got a lot of LR & DR for you. Both are really nice with many holes for small fish & corals to be mounted in them. Every single wrasse I've ever kept has jumped & I have a canopy with a screen over the back.
i added dry rock to tank usually dry has more holes and such and stacks up nicely id soak it for a while and scrub scrub scrub it then add in slow like said above most recently my red line wrasse was added and hid for a few days then just appeared also had a red tail go into hiding because i had a mean dusky wrasse that just messed with that wrasse didnt show up until i pulled the dusky maybe you have a fish that has that wrasses number unless you see it chasing it you wont know i guess good luck with everything
Thanks God I found my M wrasse..after two days disappeared. He came out today healthy and beautiful. swimming around searching for food..I bought some live brine shrimp for my fish today.. he ate a lot.... I just bought a large clownfish for $20 today..
my old clown loves this new large one..they pair up now..he is no longer lonley..
my clowns are happy..
I bought some live stock from livingsea are going on...
I bough a malenurus wrasse for $29. 2 firefish for 6.99 ea. 2 engineer goby 4.99 ea.
large clown 19.99.. and I got some corals starting from $5-19.99 plus 25% off.
corals are on sale tomorrow for 25% off